Feb 11, 2005 11:31
It's strange making new friends.
I find myself constantly comparing people to my current friends and to be honest...the majority of inhabitants in this world are damn boring when using that comparison.
Vanilla, stable, straight, people who all dress, talk, act, and think alike. Or so it would seem.
Maybe they just fake it. But if so I have to ask myself why. I know I don't!
Even in an art course I feel like the biggest freak. While this doesnt particularly phase me, I'm finding it hard to really connect with anyone beyond that superficial level.
I currently hang around three of the five other females in my classes, and three of the ten guys...
I think males in general are alot less guarded should a topic of conversation arise that isn't about the weather.
There are two girls in my class who are obviously straight out of high school. They both have straightened hair, perfect eyeliner, and wear low cut jeans with either pink, blue or white tight-fitting jackets.
It has been quite fun freaking them out.
They're not so much innocent as snobby, so I only feel a little guilty.
Their artwork is... "nice". It's neat, they use correct technique, they can copy something quite well, but lack any gutsy creativity.
I hope to god this wasnt me two years ago...
[[[[[trading in my talents by the mouthfull]]]]]