:Permissions format post

Sep 28, 2010 15:20

Backtagging: Yes.
Threadhopping: Yes - though if it's a commentlog a shout-out on AIM so you don't get lost in the fray is appreciated :3
Fourthwalling/Canon puncture: No.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Anything and everything is fine. I'm pretty evenkeeled about stuff, and he hangs around Reno, who is an offensive subject.

Plot: sob this would actually require me to plan plot ahead of time, really. I am not into most of the jamjar stuff as much, aside from seeing how characters from different universes react to each other. As a player I'm interested in world metaplot but both my characters right now are a little too focused on the here and now to seek that out.

Genre: I like emotionally charged, srs bsns type scenes. Which does tend to mean 'angst', but I like happy emotionally charged scenes too. Slice-of-life stuff can be fun, but it tends to not have enough direction for it to grab me. Smut is pretty much the only thing I won't write, and that's mostly because I am horrible at it and incapable of actually finishing a scene. I'm not great at action, though I'm working on that - I have a poor sense of pacing for fight scenes.

I also have a not-so-secret weakness for hurt/comfort but I try to keep that to musebox and only bring it up in-game when it is actually appropriate rather than forcing it

Relationships: I'm up for pretty much anything. I like playing with really close emotional bonds, either familial or friends, and I love me some snark/frenemy interactions, but I don't think there's anything I'd outright cross off. I don't play specifically for ships (a lesson I learned the hard way the one time I did do it.), but I don't mind building them up in-game if a character pair mesh well.

Focus: What do you focus on in a character's personal story? Long growth arcs and coming-of-age stories? Just chilling and daily interaction? Sinking to villainy and redemption stories? Straight-up, gleeful villainy, and screw the redemption arc? As many creative ways to embarrass them as you can find?

Posting format: Quicklogsssss. Not that I mind the other formats, but I find quicklogs are easier to write than full-prose, even when conveying the same set of ideas (I think it's because I get less hung-up on ensuring elegant, appropriate sentence structure, which means the ideas are easier to get out).

Attention Span: I am a gd energizer bunny of tags. I will keep going and going until a conclusion is reached or I run out of ideas (in which case I try to talk to other people about letting the thread die). Journal threads/quicklogs get a much faster response from me, generally - I sometimes get stuck on logs and end up sitting on them a day or two before I get back to them.

Anything else: I love tasty new CR but am absolutely terrible at building plots for it :c It's something I'm going to try to work on, but yeah, plotting will necessitate thinky outside input and stuff. I've also been told in the past (IRL, but probably applicable online too) that I can seem standoffish because I'm really quiet? I am a social failget and general mild grump, but I do like plotting and nerding over things and making new friends so don't be afraid to message me.

Blood Type:
Birth Date:
Canon Point:

Medical Info:



Other Physical Traits:


What's Okay To Mention Around Them:

Notes for the Psychics:

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?:


Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: a lot more likely.


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