Title: Flaming Bloody Computer
Rating: PG
Genre: Humour
Summary: Cause it’s all happened to us…right?
Inspired by a comment on
avon_09 journal…
Owen bashed the computer a few more times before straightening up and wiping his red face with the back of his arm.
"Flaming bloody computer ate my porn!” he complained, going back to hitting it.
Tosh entered the Hub early Tuesday morning, welcomed by the sound of banging and swearing.
"Stupid piece of-", Owen swore.
He stood over his victim, long handed wrench in hand, his face twisted with annoyance.
"Owen?” she called hesitantly from the doorway.
"What?” he snapped.
"Nothing", she backed off slightly, "What happened?”
Owen bashed the computer a few more times before straightening up and wiping his red face with the back of his arm.
"Flaming bloody computer ate my porn!” he complained, going back to hitting it.
Tosh bit her lip, trying to hold back laughter.
Ianto rushed over to Owen, not noticing Tosh, and handed Owen a threatening looking hammer, "Here"
Owen took it gratefully and handed the wrench over to Ianto.
They both took stance on either side of the computer. Tosh watched from a far as they both began bashing the computer.
"How many times do I have to tell you?” Ianto grumbled as he raised his weapon again, "Save as you go!”