I didn't watch the whole ep- taped it- just saw the last few minutes of CSI
I had five kids telling me today, "Watch the last few minutes, there is a Sara reference."
I heard rumors that something GSR related was suppose to be dropped in.
Now I'm just feeling that we're being strung along. What to grab ratings? Pretend that there is something about Sara in the ep so people tune in. And then just don't show it.
While I enjoyed "A Thousand Days" I'm not feeling the CSI love with the rest of the eps to date.
CSI- you want me tuning in? You have three options: 1.)I need super episodes that make me go "wow", laugh, cry, think orthat I can't wait to rewatch, 2.) You need real Sara references of Jorja's voice just something!, 3.) Jorja. Beg her, give her the moon and stars, whatever but have her appearing. I'll watch then, and rewatch a dozen times.
But for now I'm just not caring enough. And that makes me sad and mad.