May 07, 2004 02:02
first i fucking hate you dolly for calling me out hard core last night. but no i'm not gonna fucking pull another jason.
second i don't feel good about myself right now, don't comment about how i should love me and i'm a *beautiful person* and all that bullshit bc i'm not fucking listening and i think you are all lying.
third i can't stand guys they make me want to puke and rip at my body and do horrible things. they are fucking illogical creatures that are made to only hurt me and don't tell me different. i will NEVER believe another word that comes from the mouth of a man bc all they spew is lies and when they tell the truth it shows they are terrible pricks. Don't try to tell me that all guys aren't like that, bc deep down they are all the same, and deserve to be treated the same, without respect bc they have none to give. they put up this act like they care but it's not true, and any chick that thinks that her man is sensitive and caring and all that other shit is getting fucked over in the ass while he thrusts harder and harder laughing at your gulibility untill tears stream down his face and he needs to take a fucking breather.
fourth. anything i say in my journal is not up for your critism. if i say that i'm doing bad things to myself don't tell me that you are disapointed or that i'm *better* than that or that i'm just fine the way i am right now bc i will just tell you to shut your lying pie hole or to shove donkey cock in it so i don't have to hear it anymore. it's my fucking choice to torture myself and i would like to do it in peace.
thankyou for listening to my angry bitch rant, maybe i'll talk to you when i'm happy again. whenever that is.