Apr 13, 2006 09:04
dear government: please, just come to my house and kill me. it would be cheaper for you in the long run.
and its not because im afraid of getting salmonella or lysteria or e.coli, its the principles of the meat packing industry and the government's sick big brother protection of it.
did you know that anywhere from several hundred to several thousand individual cows are processed to produce one hamburger? they recieved 2ton boxes full of beef cuts (inadequate for other types of sale of course) and throw them all into the grinder together. if one cow is infected, all of it will be.
after the jack-in-the-box incident during the clinton administration, the government saw the need to update meat inspection methods and mandated bacterial tests and things like steaming and pesticide baths for raw meat. they followed this up closely by cutting the amount of usda inspectors from 21,000 to 7,000 over the next few years. inspectors that took their job seriously enough to shut down a meat processing plant that was infested with roaches, boasted leaking freezers and meat covered in mold was slandered by said meat processors, complained about by those that she shut down, and was fired by the usda for doing her job properly. she recieved huge settlements from both the usda for discrimination and some of the meat processing plants for libel...tax dollars to excellent use. first we pay her to inspect, then we paid out even more to fire her.
the usda tested a particular plant in texas-one that supplied 50% of the meat in texas public schools-three separate times and found that somewhere between 40 and 50% of their beef was contaminated with salmonella and other bacteria. when they were shut down they sued the usda...and WON. apparently, when cooked to a certain temperature salmonella becomes ineffective. as a matter of fact, so does feces. the government paid out here, too...and the plant is still open. hmmmm...the president of the united states is from texas...
would you eat a burger if you knew it was full of salmonella? even if it wasn't dangerous after being cooked properly?
would you eat a burger if you knew it was full of feces? even if it wasn't dangerous after being cooked properly?
would you eat a burger if you knew it was full of chemicals? even if it wasnt dangerous after being cooked properly?
other countries refuse to import american beef.
did you know that the american government does not have the authority to mandate a recall on contaminated beef? even if its reeking of lysteria and ecoli? they can shut them down, but what of the beef thats already been sent out of the plant? sold to kill children. ...and so they make a profit off death.
i understand that there are so many ways i could be made sick or killed by foodborne illness and that it doesnt happen all that often, and even that i probably will not die from food poisoning. the government spends millions of dollars protecting the meat packing industry from losing a profit over the death of the american people.
someone really needs to write the jungle: part deux.
i mean, god knows profit is to kill for in this country.