Title: Certainty
Fandom: Sherlock
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: John
Artist's Note: I don't know why I keep opening photoshop. Ever since I read a certain paragraph in
Certainty (which I'm still of the opinion, is the post-Reichenbach fic) I couldn't get the image out of my mind. Bear with me. ♥
John dreams about what the pavement would have looked like if it had been raining, if it had begun pouring the moment Sherlock hit the ground. John dreams that when they pull the body away, the dry patch that was Sherlock would still be there, and John could lie in it and take the shape of it and sit up in it, getting rained on. And when John sat up Sherlock would sit up with him, and Sherlock’s body would be John’s body and John’s would be his, and they would be wrapped around each other, and John could curl up inside Sherlock’s head if he wanted, and understand everything.
But it had not rained. John wakes up alone, curled into himself, and understands nothing.
Certainty by joolabee
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