Jul 30, 2003 15:00
Guess who is moving again? That's right, Me! Only this time, No parents allowed. Buahahaha!
I am rather chipper for just having spent two days in the hospital, aren't I? (Bladder and Kidney infection, no big deal minus the pain, I tell you)
I am getting an apartment. I am so pumped. Of course, my brother and Alice are splitting rent with me, but it's huge and I will rarely come in contact with them--all I know, is no curfew, no rules, no concerned parents, and freedom. I will still be living with people (Family nonetheless!) but it will be different, it's different because it's not my parents.
I love my parents to death ya know, and they respect that i'm 18 and don't need a curfew, but they get nervous if i'm not home and wait up for me, which I'm sure they'll do for a week or so once I'm gone, but they'll get used to it. Yay how excited am I? Very!
I start night classes in September, I am gonna have 2 part time jobs, and an apartment--perfectionnn! I am only keeping the two part time jobs, until I finish my classes, once I have finished my classes, I can get a REAL 9-5 type job, and wont have to worry about petty bull crap anymore, and eventually get my OWN apartment.
Roommates is a good way to start though, help with Rent and stuff.. it's good, yep yep.
I'm so tired. Sleep. Yes.