Jan 28, 2007 06:16
Random thoughts:
It's all just a blur now...
Is this really how I envision my life?
Am I so afraid of the unknown that I will say yes? Or more importantly, will I really say no and become what I aspire for and dread at the same time?
There's give... and there's take. There's accept... and there's release.
Where do I go from here?
To stay is so easy... but it's an easy that carries on day after day and week after week and year after year until it all compounds into something very hard. And to go is so hard... but then it's the epitome of easy. Because what would you care anyway, once you're gone?
There's so much to be done. There's so little to be done. At the same time, there's nothing to do. But everything begs to be done at the very same time.
Some things are trickier than we'd like to believe. We'll probably never know if there's other life out there in the universe... just like we'll probably never fully comprehend love and all its trappings. When all's said and done... can we accept the inevitability of both on equal footing?
I was never meant to have. You never even wanted. He always seemed to have. She never even knew. And they just don't seem to care.
Nothing was ever meant to be. But this... will always linger.