Watch me procrastinate!

Oct 01, 2006 00:45

Didn't want to do homework, so I filled out waaay too many survey-things. Yuck.

last cigarette: five minutes ago

last car ride: ten minutes ago when I went to Jack's.

last good cry: few months ago, over nothing

last library book checked out: Europe Travelbook

last movie seen: Supersize Me

last book read: Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology

last cuss word uttered: asshole.

last beverage drank: regular mt. dew

last food consumed: sugar cookie, shaped like a giraffe

last crush that didn't amount to anything: eh, you figure it out.

last phone call: Mom, to ask her where the flour was.

last tv show watched: My Name is Earl, on DVD

last time showered: yesterday morning

last shoes worn: my falling-apart nikes

last cd played: chevelle

last item bought: lunch

last annoyance: church/church arguments

last disappointment: having to take a cold shower

last soda drank: mt. dew

last thing written on paper: directions

last key used: s

last word spoken: go

last sleep: today until eight

last im: to kirk

last ice cream eaten: ...don't remember

last time amused: i am very easily amused...playing with my las vegas keychain

last time wanting to die: serious contemplation? before high school.

last time in love: current.

last time hugged: few days ago.

last chair sat in: my car...i don't much care for furniture.

last lipstick used: dont really wear lipstick

last shirt worn: doors

last webpage visited: this one...
not even if you gave me fifteen million dollars

a hoodie that feels oddly like deerskin
define friends.

again, if the definition is "boyfriend" yes, if not, no.


it depends on the day, overall, yes.

Went to school, I think. Yippee.



Watching My Name is Earl with Tom

Eh, I'm in a 'leave me alone' mood.


get this baptism-thing over with

five seconds ago.


paying off loans/bills.

about a year.


a sugar cookie. Damn surveys are too repetitive. Who really cares what has been consumed?



a t-shirt from my sister.

Mom & Dad, Bren & Marv, Dylan, Aaron, Alyssa, Kevin & Lori, Michael, and me.


I don't text.

grandma d.


ones with caffeine



No, but I *really* want to go.


I guess that's not up to me. I hate my name though...I think I'd rather go through life being called "hey moron!"

How much am I getting paid?
Level 1
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been fired
( ) Been in a fist fight

Level 2
(x) Snuck out
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) Gone on a blind date

Level 3
(x) Lied to a friend
( ) Had a crush on a teacher
(x) Skipped school
( ) Slept with a co-worker
(x) Saw someone die

Level 4
( ) All my myspace friends are my real life friends
( ) Had/have a crush on one of your myspace friends
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane

Level 5
( ) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been surfing

Level 6
(x) Been in an abusive relationship
(x) Taken painkillers
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) Made a snow angel

Level 7
( ) had a tea party
(x) Flown a kite
(x) Built a sand castle
(x) Gone puddle jumping!
(x) Played dress up

Level 8
(x) Jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) Gone sledding
(x) Cheated while playing a game
(x) Been lonely
(x) Fallen asleep at school

Level 9
( ) Used a fake ID
(x) Watched the sunset
( ) Felt an earthquake
(x) Touched a snake

Level 10
(x) Been tickled
(x) Been robbed/vandalized/had anything stolen from you

Level 11
(x) Won a contest
( ) Been suspended/expelled from school
(x) Had detention
( ) Been in a motorcycle accident

Level 12
( ) Had braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) Had deja vu
( ) Danced in the moonlight

Level 13
(x) Hated the way you looked
(x) Witnessed a crime
(x) Questioned your heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it notes

Level 14
(x) Squished barefoot through the mud
(x) Been lost
( ) Been to the opposite side of the country
( ) Swam in the ocean
( ) Felt like you were dying

Level 15
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
( ) Sang karaoke
(x) Paid for something with only coins

Level 16
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue

Level 17
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under a mistletoe
( ) Looked up at the stars with someone you cared about
(x) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach

Level 18
( ) Worn pearls
(x) Jumped off a bridge
( ) Ate dog food
( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them

Level 19
(x) Sang in the shower
(x) Glued your hand to something

Level 20
( ) Got your tongue stuck to a pole
( ) Kissed a fish
( ) Worn the opposite sexs clothes
( ) Sat on a roof top

Level 21
( ) Screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) Done a one-handed cartwheel
( ) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(x) Stayed up all night

level 22
( ) Didn't take a shower for a week
( ) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree
( ) Climbed a tree
( ) Had a tree house/ club house
( ) Scared to watch scary movies alone

Level 23
(x) Worn a really ugly outfit to school
( ) Played ding dong ditch

Level 24
(x) played chicken
(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) Broken a bone
(x) Been easily amused

Level 25
( ) Caught a fish then ate it
( ) Caught a butterfly
(x) Laughed so hard you cried
( ) Cried so hard you laughed

level 26
(x) Cheated on a test
(x) Forgotten someone's name

Level 27
(x) Rode a roller coaster
( ) went scuba-diving
(x) Had a cavity
( ) Black-mailed someone
( ) Been black-mailed

Level 28
(x) Been used
(x) Fell going up the stairs
(x) Bitten someone

What was the hardest subject in high school for you? Trig.
Have you ever tried sushi and do you like it? No.
Did you ever have acne? Yep. :'(
Which show is funnier - That 70s Show or Friends? Friends, I guess.
Did you ever get a makeover? no
How much did your last haircut cost? around $20

Said "I hope you die" to someone? Not out loud.
Tried to kill yourself? a long, long time ago.
Gotten in a fist fight? nope
Lied to your parents? Oh yeah, for sure.
Lied to your friends? I really try not to.
Bit someone? when i was little.
Gotten drunk? yep
Gotten totally wasted? no
Given someone a bruise? not that i know of
Freak danced? no
Cut yourself? Yes
Skipped school? Yes.
Hung up on someone? yes.
Gone commando? yes.
Thrown up at school? in elementary school.

Do you stuff your bra? Nope.
Have you ever stuffed your bra? lol no
What make-up do you wear daily? mascara
What are your underwear like right now? No different than before.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? that I wear? Three or four. I'm not big on shoes.

your true hair color? look at my inch long roots.
What do you most like about your body? nothing comes to mind.
And least? pick something
How many fillings do you have? a few
Do you think you're good looking? nope.
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? nope.
Do you look like any celebrities? nope.
Do you like a man with muscles or not? With, but not too much.
Tall or short men? Taller than me..
Does your dream guy have long or short hair? long-ish.
Are your eyebrows a different color from your hair? I guess so...
Do you pluck your eyebrows? yes..ouch!
When did you last have a hickey, and where? Never.
Can you dance? no, I'm very white.
Do you struggle with self-esteem? definately.
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder? not that i'm aware of.
Do your underwear and bras usually match? not usually

Any good memories from this year? Yes a few.
Any bad memories from this year? yes.
Do you regret anything from this year? not acting sooner.
Do you regret anything you've ever done? yes
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Kevin
Did you ever have braces? no.
What is your best childhood memory? The one where I beat up Kyle.
Do you have the same friends you did when you were seven and under? two of them.
What color hair did you have as a kid? pale blonde when i was 4& under.
What does your name mean? The books always say "See Karen."

Current Music: BNL
Current CD in player: Futures.
Current conversations: just the running dialogue in my head.
Current time: 3:39 pm
Current clothes: jeans & hoodie
Current hair: Pony Tail
Current taste: huh?
Current mood: shitty
Current smell: cookies
Current thing you should be doing: getting ready for the baptism-thing
Current desktop picture: some randomly drawn green circles.
Current favorite group: Group of what?
Current book: the Question book.
Current refreshment: nothing. Current worry: worrying is like my full-time job.

A - Accidents

01. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes.
02. Do you have a lot of scars? A few.
03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? Yes, years a go.
04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? Sometimes I kick when I get tickled.
05. Have you ever had stitches? Where? Yes. Leg.

B - Beauty

06. Do you consider yourself beautiful? Never.
07. Are you self conscious of how you look? Yes.
08. Do you put on a lot of make-up? Define a lot.
09. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? Doubt it.
10. What do you think makes a person beautiful? Insight.

C - Consequences

11. What was the longest amount of time you've been grounded for? Probably six months.
12. What would you do if you got pregnant, keep it or have an abortion? Depends...right now, abortion.
13. Do you ever think about how your actions affect other people? Yes.
14. What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? Guilt treatment.
15. What is one thing you wish you didn't do, just because it wasn't worth it in the end? I try not to think like that. Something can always be gained from an experience even though at the time it appears it wasn't worth it.

D - Dealing

16. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them? I make faces at them, but only when they can’t see.
17. Name a time when you had to be strong. Probably right around the time I got kicked out for a little while.
18. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting? Yes, but not divorce.
Any kind of abuse at home? Yes.
19. When people at school don't accept you, or have problems with you, how do you react? I don't care. I have friends, screw the others.
20. Have you ever lost someone to death? Explain how you got through it. Yes. Mostly doing stupid things to myself.

E - Experience

21. Have you ever had a job? Any volunteer jobs? Yes and yes.
22. Do you think that you are sexually experienced, or not at all? Does somewhat count…
23. Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? Pretty smooth sailing, but there are definitely some rough spots.
24. Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)? Yes.
25. How old do you act? I dunno…people used to tell me I acted old.

F - Family

26. Is there anyone in your family you don't talk to? Why? Yes. Either we’ve never met, or they’re from the snotty side I try to avoid.
27. If you had to choose, family or friends? Most of my friends are just like family…
28. Can you tell your parents or one of your parents anything? No way.
29. Do you have any siblings? If so, do you ever get jealous of them? Yes. Yes.
30. How often do you spend 'quality time' with family members? If quality time means folding my sister’s laundry while she does whatever it is that she does…once a week, at least.
G - Growing

31. How tall are you? How tall do you wish you were? 5'7". maybe a little shorter
32. Do you think that you have grown more in the past year than any year before that? No, I’m still trying to grow up.
33. As a person, do you think you are mature for your age or still act childish? More mature, although I act child-like. Which is different from childish...
34. Are you scared to think that one day you will turn 30, then 40, then 50? Yes, because blindness looms ahead…
35. Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? Of course.

H - Hope

36. Love - real or not? Real.
37. Are you a pessimist of an optimist? Pessimist
38. Do you believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that our actions lead the way? Fate, but fate is influenced by our actions.
39. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? Yes.
40. What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? Nothing jumps out.

I - Issues

41. Do you suffer from depression or constant sadness/lonliness? It is hard to say. I probably have mild symptoms of bipolar disorder.
42. Do you have any type of disease or disability? No, not yet. I do have a hole in my heart though…
43. Are you currently in a hard relationship or have bad luck with the opposite sex? Nope :-D
44. Do you think that you are alone in this world? Sometimes it can feel that way.
45. How often do you think about death, suicide or running away? Quite a bit on death (just wondering what it would be like), not so much on suicide, and running away…I think about when fights break out.
J - Jokes

46. Say a word or phrase that would not be funny to anyone but you & one of your friends (an inside joke). “The Curse of the Quad”
47. Are you usually the one making people laugh, or the other way around? Making people laugh.
48. Do you cry when you laugh hard? Sometimes.
49. Write down a hilarious moment you had with someone that makes you laugh to this day. I don't want to write it down, because it will never be as hilarious as it is.
50. Do you ever get in trouble for laughing or talking a lot during class? Yes.

K - Knowledge

51. The purpose of school: to learn, to cause trouble or to hang out with friends? Learn.
52. Do people refer to you as smart, dumb, or average? Dumb. (Well, its how I refer to myself anyway).
53. What was the highest grade you have recieved (full course mark)? And the lowest? A, D- (thanks Bateson!)
54. What was your last average? This year would you like to maintain it or aim higher? 3.84. Higher.
55. What do you find the most interesting subject to be (to study or to talk about)? Psychology.

L - Love

56. Are you currently in love? If not, have you been before? Yes & yes
57. Do people around you show you a lot of love (tell you they love you, hug you, kiss you, etc.)? Yeah, I guess.
58. Is love worth it? Yes.
59. Do you hate it when girls in their young teenage years say they 'love' someone that they've been dating for a few months? No.
60. Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone, or is it just a word? Takes a lot.

M - Money

61. Do you believe that money makes the world go round? Unfortunately
62. Is your family on the poor side, average, or above average when it comes to money? Average-ish I guess.
63. Are you saving up for college/university, or planning to? Ha! Say “hello” to $20K in loans!
64. Would you rather win millions of dollars & be set for life, or find the perfect person to marry & start a family with? Money, ‘cause no matter what, nobody’s perfect.
65. On a scale of 1-10, how important is money to you? 6, simply because you need it to survive.

N - Naughty

66. Are you a virgin? Nope.
67. What do you think about doing sexual things with someone you're not going out with? I don't care if others do it, but I wouldn't.
68. Do you know anybody you consider a 'slut'? What makes you say that? Yes. If you have a tally sheet in your dorm room, you have a problem.
69. If you could, would you erase some things you did in the past or make it so you did more? Or are you okay with everything you have done? If I erased it, I’d lose what I learned from it.
70. Do you consider yourself more nice or more naughty? You can't say both! Nice...or, I like to consider myself that way.

O - Openness

71. How long does it take for you to open up to someone? Depends.
72. What does it take for you to fully trust someone? time
73. Are you generally untrusting towards people because of past experiences, or any other reason? Past experiences.
74. When are you comfortable with someone sexually? Depends.
75. When it comes to parents and close friends, what's the limit of what you can tell them? I am a clam but I have been becoming much more open lately.
P - Positive

76. Have you ever had an experience with someone that didn't necessarily end positivetly? If so, would you rather erase the memory of that person because of the sad times or keep the memory of that person because of the good times? Yes. Eh, there really weren’t any particularly sad times…it exsited. I’d erase it and fill that time with something more constructive than waiting.
77. Do you agree with the saying: better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all? Yes. Emotion makes me feel alive.
78. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? What do you try to be? Pessimistic x2.
79. Do you agree that something good can come out of everything? If you take time an analyze the situation…yes.
80. Have you ever had a time where something really bad happened, but something really good happened because of it? If so, please exlain what it was. Yes. My sister & I stopped hating each other.

Q - Questions

81. When faced with a problem, do you ask for help or try to figure it out yourself? Try to figure it out.
82. Do you often question the world and how we came about? What are some things you would like to know about creation? Yes. Why did small mammals survive when the dinosaurs died? Oh, and why are there prehistoric dolphin-typish animal skeletons in Arizona?
83. Do you think the government is truthful? If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? No. “Can you do that thing where you stick out your bottom lip and make the monkey face?”
84. When someone does something wrong to you, do you confront them and ask them why they did it or just let it go? I “let it go” by letting it build up until I do something with the negative energy.
85. What is one unsolved mystery about the world that you want answers to? If any of the pyramids in different parts of the world (Egypt, Central/South America/Great Britain) are related somehow, or were built by the same people.

R - Respect

86. How do you show respect? Um….hm…I call my dad “Sir.”
87. What can someome do for you to lose all respect for them? I’m pretty nonjudgemental…at least I try to be.
88. Do you respect your teachers, parents, and other authority figures? Depends.
89. When you are disrespectful to your parents, what is the punishment? Um…I’m old, they can’t do that.
90. If someone is mean to you, are you mean back or do you kill them with kindness? I can do both, but I usually try to ignore it and act the same as usual.

S - School

91. If you are still in school, what grade will you be going into? 16th grade.
92. When will you graduate high school/college? Spring *makes angry face*
93. After high school, what did you do/are you planning to do? Going to graduate school for another 6 years.
94. Do you like or hate school? What do you like/hate about it? It was generally okay, save for the drama.
95. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or dropped out of school? No.

T - Temptation

96. Have you ever done something wrong, knowing it was wrong, because something inside of you said it was okay? Yes.
97. Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? Did you do it? I have done both. Guess which one stuck.
98. Did you ever cheat on someone? Why did you do it? Yes. Because I knew why I was in the first relationship and it was a shitty reason…I was hoping not to have to be the one with a spine.
99. Did you ever want to do something sexual with someone you didn't really know or love? What did you end up doing? Not really.
100. Do you give in to temptation easily, or are you more independant and strong willed? It depends on the temptation.

U - Unique

101. Would you rather blend in with the crowd or stand out? Blend.
102. Do you do a lot of things because your friends are doing it? No.
103. Do you follow trends, wear whatever you want, or wear really unique pieces? I dress for comfort and warmth.
104. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Do you do things such as smoke, drink, or have casual sex? It depends.
105. What makes you different from people your age? I don’t set out to get wasted every night?

V - Value

106. What's the most expensive thing in your room? My great-grandma’s trunk.
107. What's more valuable: your life or the lives of your loved ones? Would you sacrifice your life for other people? It depends on the person.
108. What is something you value not because it cost a lot, but because it means a lot to you? Grandpa’s wedding ring.
109. If there was a fire in your house/apartment, what is the first thing you would grab? My dumb stuffed animal.
110. Do you think past memories and experiences are more valuable than what could possibly happen in the future? No, they are both important.

W - Wishes

111. If you had three wishes, what would they be? 1.) To clearly define my life’s goals. 2.) Never have to work at a job I hate. 3.) Obtain my doctorate.
112. Would you rather wish yourself to be happy, or your loved ones? Loved ones. I’m used to being crabby.
113. Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe in them? No.
114. Have you ever had a wish come true? If so, what was that wish? Not really.
115. Do you find wishing for things a waste of time because everything that's meant to happen, will happen? Dreams keep everything going forward.

X - Xanga
***What is a Xanga?
116. Name all your Xanga's here.
117. Name everything you post on your Xanga.
118. How often do you update, check your subscribers/comments, and change your layout?
119. How many subscribers and subscriptions do you have?
120. The greatest thing about Xanga?

Y - You

121. Are you more independant or social? Independent/anti-social.
122. What is something that makes you very mad when you see it? Dogs in cars on hot days with all of the windows up.
123. Do you think that you have potential to do great things? No.
124. What kind of person would you be if you didn't have guidance from family members, God, teachers, etc.? Hmm…I might be a little happier.
Do you think people are born a certain way, or develop their personalities based on what they go through in life? Some parts of personality are genetically based, and some comes through experience. It’s the ol’ nature vs. nurture argument.
125. Do you think people are generally good? They try.

Z - Zest

126. Are you currently happy with your life? Why or why not? Yes. Even though I’m not happy today, it’ll pass.
127. Are you more outgoing, ready for anything, or boring and shy? Boring as hell, and definitely shy, but I’ve gotten a lot better.
128. When change occurs, do you get scared or are you excited for it? Depends on the change.
129. Do you like to try new things, meet new people? Yes, sometimes.
130. What is the most motivational thing in the world? Opinions.
When was the last time you cried?: Almost a year ago.
Are you a very emotional person?: Not outwardly.
Do you ever feel left out? When?: Yes.
Are you an introvert or somewhat outgoing?: complete & total introvert
Do you ever have short/quick, angry outbreaks?: only in my head.
Do you hate anyone? Who and why?: Yes, for adequate, true reasons.
How useful do you feel to others?: not useful at all.
Do you think you're depressed? Why?: In non-medically-defined terms, I am more bipolar than depressed, I think..

Are you ever picked on (adult or child)? By who and why?: Yes.
Do you ever avoid mirrors because you were disgusted with your image?: Some days.
Has anyone close to you died recently? Yes.
Do you believe that your childhood was a good one?: I had many material things. But I did wouldn’t say I had a very good childhood.
Do you ever feel left out or get ditched by friends?: Yep.
How many good friends do you have?: About 2.
How many enemies do you have?: None that I can think of.
Are you single?:Nope.
Do you want to find love?: Of course, who doesn’t?
Are your parents divorced, or are there any odd family arrangements?: My whole family is bizarre, but my parents are married.
Are you labeled in a specific clique?: No.

Pain & Suffering
Is there a loaded gun in your house? Do you have access to it?: Yes and yes.
Have you ever inflicted pain on yourself? How?: Yes. Any way I could.
How many personal ways of dieing have you ever thought about?: Many.
Do you ever feel angry enough to kill somebody?: Yes.
Do you ever feel guilty about miniscule things you've commited?: Yes.
Do you cut?: Long time ago.
Do you ever really intend to end your life?: No.
Do you dream at night? If so, what about?: I don’t know, I never remember.

And ect...
Do you ever starve yourself?: I occasionally limit myself to not very much.
Are you bi-polar?: Probably.
Do you like gore?: Depends on the plot.
Are your actions usually misconstrued by others?: Yes.
Do you write poetry? Are you any good?: Yes and yes.
Do you draw morbid things quickly?: No.
What are you afraid of most?: Failure.
Do you feel hopeless (about anything)?: Yes
Is your life repeatitive?: Most days..
Do people around you irritate you?: Depends who it is.
Have you ever cried in public for no reason at all?: No.
Do you take any medications? What?: Nope.
Why do you wake up in the morning?: Because the dog barking is irritating.
.1.Initials: KLO.
.2. Were u named after anyone?: Nope.
.3. Do you wish on stars?: No.
.4. Which finger is your favorite?: left scar.
.5. When did you last cry?: I hate repetitive questions.
.6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you?: Nobody. Why would I make a movie about myself?
.7. Do you like your handwriting?: Yes, when I can deciper it..
.8. Any bad habits?: I pick the skin around my nails...yuck
.9. What store would you never be caught dead in?: Er, never say never.
.10. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I don’t know if I could deal with me.
.11. Are you a daredevil?: Can be.
.12. Do you follow or lead?: follow the leader!
.13. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: A few dumb secrets.
.14. What is your guy/girl type?: I don't really have a 'type'.
.15. Do looks matter?: To an extent, of course. But when you get to know someone better, they become more attractive (or less attractive, depending on their personality).
.16. What is the sexiest thing the opposite sex can wear?: It really does depend on the guy.
.17. Have you ever met anyone famous?: Marginally famous. Stephen Jay.
.18. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Sadly no.
.19. Are you trendy?: I don't try.
.20. What do you do to vent anger?: Write it out, or just bottle it up until I explode.
.21. Are you passive or aggressive?: Depends on the company
.22. Who is your idol?: Jim West.
.23. Whose house is your second home?: The House of Work.
.24. Do you trust others?: Not really. Only certain people.
.25. What was your favorite toy as a child?: My imagination.
.26. What class in school do you think was totally useless?: Pick one!
.27. What class is the BEST?: Dr. Hartman’s
.28. Do you like sappy love songs?: Depends on the words, usually no.

Did you go to college?: I am currently.

Are you enjoying life?: This year, yes. Today, no...

Marital status?: Legally, single. Technically, dating.

Who'd you vote for in '04?: Kerry.

Looking back, would you have changed your vote?: Not a chance.

Cheap beer or fine wine?: How about not cheap beer?

Still keep in touch with your high school friends?: A select few.

Do you have a 401K? IRA? CD's?: I had a 401K at my old job. I should open an IRA, and a few CDs.

Do you go to bed at a responsible time?: No.
Are you doing what you thought you'd be doing 6 years ago?: Yes.

Are you into politics?: I enjoy listening to others argue about it.

Democrat/Republican/Rather not say?: Democrat if I have to pick between the two.

Pro-choice or pro-life?: Pro-choice

Should gay marriage be legalized?: Sure.

Should marijuana be legalized?: Sure.

Do you have more than one car payment?: No.

Do you pay more for groceries or gas each month?: Gas by a long shot.

Big spender or frugal?: I can be extremely frugal.

Wish you never got a credit card?: Nope, I like mine…far too much.

Have multiple credit cards?: No. I don't want more debt...

Regret anything you've done in the past?: Sure.

Current living situation?: With parents…with moving out on the horizon.

Billabong/Hurley/Quiksilver or J. Crew/Express/Gap: I’m not really into brands..

Think the cost of living is ridiculous?: Pretty much.

Pay all your bills first then go clothes shopping or vice versa?: Bills before anything else.

5 star restaurant or pizza and beer?: Pizza & beer is cooler.

Go to professional sporting events?: If I could ever get tickets…hockey.

Visit your parents regularly?: I live with them 

Visit your siblings regularly?: Yep.

Having more fun now than you did in HS/college?: Yes.

Worried about social security?: Yes, but only because I know I’m paying for something right now that I will never receive...

Gas saving Prius or V8 sports car?: Saving gas is kinda like an oxymoron to me.

Ever fear being layed off?: Fired.

Sole provider for your household?: I was for a few months during high school.

Have a savings account?: Yes.

Do you still lend money to your siblings?: Occasionally.

Believe in the death penalty?: Yes, but only if the evidence is without a doubt.

Do you watch the Weather Channel?: Yes, all the time.

Do you take naps regularly?: No.

Do you go to the dentist/doctor regularly?: Only when I feel like walking death/something hurts really bad.
Do you take advantage or your company benefits?: No company benefits.

Do you on stock?: No!

Do you watch the news on a regular basis?: Yes.

Ever been to tired to have sex?: No...

Do you have a job or a career?: Job…for now.

Spend more time on the computer doing actual work?: Yes

Do you take antacids?: No.

If you have a pet, do you take them to the vet regularly?: When they need to go.

Is life better or worse that you thought it would be 6 years ago? Much better.
Is there anything in front of/underneath/behind your keyboard?: Computer screen, desk.
Do you have a laser or ball point mouse?: laser.
Do you use a laptop?: Yes
Do/did you play action/war computer or video games?: Yes.

Who signed the letter at the end of 'And Then There Were None'?: Never read it.
Who was the murderer in 'Kujo'?: ^^
How old is 'Harry Potter' in 'The Goblet of Fire'?: 15?
Without looking Is the odd page number in a book on the left or right side?: It depends what book.
Whats your favorite non-fiction book?: I like reading biographies.
Have you read any books recently?: Of course.

Which direction do ceiling fans spin?: Clockwise?
On the wall to the left of you, whats there?: A copy of my dad’s business license and his first dollar from it in a frame.
Do you think blinds are ugly?: Depends on the sort.
Look up, what do you see?: Red wings bears.
Eww, what color is it?:
Are your feet on the floor right now?: Yes.
Is the floor carpet, tile, wood or something else?: Pergo…brrrrrr.

Bedrooms and Sleeping::
Do you live in a dorm room?: Not anymore :-D
An Apartment?: No.
With your parents?: For now.
What color are your sheets?: Purple.
Are you in your room now?: No.
Is there a computer in your room?: Not currently.
Is there a tv in your room?: Yes.
Do you use a nightlight?: No.
Can you sleep with the lights/tv on?: Yes
How many pillows do you use?: Usually, none.
Whats usually in your bed other than you and bedding?: sometimes, the remote.
Do you share a room with anybody?: No.
Whats right next to your bed(on both sides)?: On the right there is a wall lined with Dali prints, on the left there is a gap and then a shelf with many things on it.
Would you consider your room very clean or very messy or neutral?: very, very messy.
Can you see the floor for more than 4 sq feet at any place in your room?: No, because I only have 4 sq. feet of floor in the middle...

Name 5 People you talk to online more than in real life: Waynos, Steve, Alaina…I guess I don’thave five.
Would you rather talk to them in person?: Not really…well, maybe Alaina.
Do you like small(1-3 people) medium(4-7) or large(7+) groups more?: Totally depends on my mood.
When you are talking to people do you usually look at them or something else?: Something else, unless what I’m saying is very important
Are you uneasy when you first meet people?:Yes
Do you usually end up liking people you thought you wouldn't?: No.
Or Disliking people you thought you wouldn't?: No.
Do people usually label you?: Probably
Do you think anybody dislikes you for no reason?: Yes.

Myspace:: I don’t have a myspace =P
How many friends do you have?:
Do you know most of them in person?:
How many are on your top friends?:
Who's third?:
Who's first?:
Who's 2nd?:
Are you on their top friends?:
On your full list of friends, whos third down third over?:
How often do you go on?:
Why do you use myspace?:
Do you talk to people you don't know?:
Do you have more than one account?:

What do you usually do in the summer?: Read/Work/Swim
If you had 20 Million Dollars what would you do with it?: Pay Bills, go on a neat vacation.
If you could live anywhere you wanted where would you?: It is hard to say without having been there.
Do you use hair detangler?: No I use conditioner.
Is your name also the name of or in the name of any food?: No.
Whats your ethenticity?: German / French /Native American.
Do you feel like humidity is smothering?: Yes.
What do you think of touchable bubbles?: They are pretty fun
If you could have one superhuman power what would it be?: Invisibility!
Why?: Because I’d be invisible?
Do you work or do your parents take care of you?: I work & hardly ever see them
Do you regret living like that?: No, its cheap.
So what hurts right now?: I did something to my back carrying boxes earlier today.

1. Have you ever failed a grade? No.
2. Have you ever been offered sex, and turned it down? No?
3. Have you ever blamed somebody for something that they did not do? Yes.
4. Have you ever been to a real all-teen party? nope
5. Have you ever gotten into to trouble with the police? Yes.
6. What color is your cell phone? silver.
7. Do you have a certain thing you like on all foods (hot sauce, ketchup, peanut butter)? Ketchup.
8. Did you ever have a best friend lie to you? Yes.
9. Did you ever lose a best friend? Yes.
10. Have you ever gotten into a fight over a guy with another girl? Nope
11. Do you consider yourself greedy over anything at all? Yep...
12. Would you ever spend a lot of money on a vacation? Yes.
13. Do you want to get married? depends.
14. What will your dream house be like in the future? Self-cleaning.
15. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be? A puppy.
16. If you could afford a total makeover, then whats the first thing you would do? Dye my hair back to its normal color.
17. Would you ever go on a reality TV show? Doubt it.
18. Have you ever gotten mad because somebody said they'd call you and they didn't? Yes.
19. Do you love weekends or week days more? Thursdays.
20. Have you ever had a member of the opposite sex spend the night? Yes.
21. Whats the most uncomfortable/awkward moment you have ever had with someone of the opposite sex? Probably the England-guy who comes into work…every conversation with him is more than uncomfortable.
22. What is your favorite department store? Is meijer a department store? It has departments...
23. If you could have a 1,000 dollar shopping spree at any store in the mall, what store would it be at (that means just one store!!)? JC Penney
24. If you could be a model, would you? No
25. Would you ever gain weight to act for a movie? If I got paid a lot.
26. Would you ever get liposuction? No.
27. Would you ever dress like a prostitute just to see what people say to you and how they look at you? Not on purpose.
28. Have you ever met a real life prostitute? Does Rhonda count?
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