Trickortreat2014 : Dear Author...

Sep 20, 2014 17:43

Hi there, author!anon, sorry for my delayed letter and thank you for your patience, I hope I didn't cause you too much alarm with the prolonged place-keeping post. Life has kindly allowed me to be fannish again for a few hours, so let's do this! \0/

You can check out my account at AO3 or my LJ nancefics if you want to get an idea of what I write, but basically I'm pretty laid-back and easy to please when it comes to fics and fandom and shipping - I can get into gen, het, slash, angst, humor, casefic, AU, crossovers, coffee-shop fic, holiday-themed fic, supernatural-themed fic, zombie apocalypses, you name it, so please feel free to do whatever is fun and comfortable and interesting for you. I don't really have any squicks except for animal abuse; I'm not a huge fan of non-con, but if it serves to advance your plot I'm OK with having it in a fic.

Below are some fandom-specific prompts/suggestions, although bear in mind that I'm fine if you come up with something totally different:

The 100 (Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes, Marcus Kane) : Anything with any or all of these characters would appeal to me, either in season 1 or your speculations for season 2. If they had to help one another break into or out of Weather Mountain, how well would they work together?

Breaking Bad (any) : This show is my new crack, because apparently I'm behind the rest of the world and finally watching it, and I'd love anything about anyone. Angsty character studies, WAFFy Jesse/Jane moments before everything went to hell for them, Walt and Jesse as supernatural zombie fighters, Saul Goodman finding a book of incantations and accidentally reanimating the big blow-up Statue of Liberty on his roof - you get the idea.

Dead Like Me (Georgia Lass, Rube Sofer): I love everything about these two! I can totally get on board with George/Rube as a 'ship, but I also adore their sort-of father/daughter, sort-of equals relationship on the show. I'd be interested in seeing them having to work together to pull off a complicated or awkward reap.

The Good Wife (Alicia Florrick, Eli Gold, Owen Cavenaugh, Glenn Childs, Becca): If you write me Alicia/Glenn hate!sex I'll love you forever, but I'll probably also love you if you do anything with any of these characters. I'd love to see what happens if Eli and Becca run into one another several years later, or Owen's take on his sister's complicated life. If you're prone to cross-overs, how would Alicia or Eli deal with having to work with or against Saul Goodman?

Grimm (Adalind Schade, Drew Wu): These are two underutilized characters IMO, and I'd love to see backstory on either or both of them. I think it would be amusing and interesting to throw them both together into a situation where they were stuck together for awhile and see how they relate to one another.

Point Pleasant (any): This show was my under-appreciated baby and I'm still sad that we didn't get a second season. I'd love absolutely anything with Christina and Judy, alone or together, 'shippy or not. What happens if Judy's the one who's supposed to kill Christina?

Profiler (any): My other underappreciated baby and my first real fandom - I love every one of the characters in this show and I'd be happy just to see new fic out there! Any and all ships work for me, as does a case-fic, or a completely non-crime-genre AU for that matter - Profiler as a coffee-shop AU, anyone?

Sleepy Hollow (Jenny Mills, August Corbin): How exactly did August groom Jenny into such bad-assery? I'd love to get some backstory on their relationship, or a story of how they acquired one of the demonic objects to thwart the apocalypse.

Veronica Mars (any): This is another show that I pan-shipped, so if there are specific characters that appeal to you, chances are they'll appeal to me as well. How did Veronica celebrate Halloween in Neptune, and what kind of weird Halloween-themed cases are coming her way now?

Thanks again for taking the time to write for me, I hope you have as much fun with this as I'll have reading what you come up with!

fic exchanges, trickortreat2014

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