Dear Yuletide Author:
Welcome to my odd and obscure little corner of the 'Net! If you're sitting there going "holy crap, what did I get myself into?" -- chances are I'm sitting here reading a DYA letter and doing the same thing right now. We'll muddle through, I promise!
If it helps, I’m beyond excited and all squeeful that you’re going to create something just for me, and I can pretty much guarantee I’ll love whatever you do. Below are some general points about my likes and dislikes, followed by a more fandom-specific breakdown, but please note that these are guidelines and examples only - if your muse latches onto an idea that isn’t contained here, consider this blanket permission to take your plot and run with it. Half the fun of Yuletide is in the creating process, and I want you to enjoy this too -- who knows, you might turn me onto a whole new ship/plot/crossover idea!
At this time I'm expecting to be home on the 25th and able to hop online fairly early -- who am I kidding, I'll probably be up all night depleting my stash of Pumpkin Spice K-cups and looking forward to a very caffeinated Christmas morning -- but if my travel plans change I'll be sure to update this letter so you don't wonder why I've gone silent. Rest assured, I'll be reading and excitedly spilling squee all over the place ASAP. :D
On to the stuff you’re really interested in:
If you want to get a more generalized sense about me or my approach to all things fic- or life-related, feel free to check out my nuts-and-bolts info
in this entry, and either my fic journal
nancefics or my AO3 site
empty_marrow for my fics.
As for the (hopefully helpful) detail-oriented stuff….
*my likes: I read and write first/second/third person, past/present tense, “five things”-style ficlets and drabbles, longer plot-driven fics, episode-themed fic, holiday-themed fic, shippy stuff, gen stuff, slashfic, hetfic - so essentially I want you to write in whatever format best fits your personal style and your characters. If my writer enjoys the process, I’ll enjoy the creation!
I love fics that take one-dimensional canon characters and imbue them with complexities - I’d happily read about the villain with a hidden soft spot, or the good guy with a subtle streak of cruelty, or what really happened behind the scenes of a certain episode/chapter/canon interaction. I tend to be fairly “meh” over the handsome prince but pretty intrigued by that hot guy who’s trying to take over the world/thwart the FBI/impress the oblivious princess - although that poor bland prince just might have unexplored/untapped potential that would make him a lot more interesting, so go ahead and try to convince me! I love angst and unconventional endings, but I also adore humor and parody (make me laugh and I’ll fangirl you for life). I’m a sucker for snappy dialogue and pop-culture references. And I love a good crossover/fusion/AU, so feel free to combine anything on my fandom list if you’re so inclined.
I read and write all ratings, from G through NC-17. I’m pretty hard to squick and/or offend, so go ahead and include sex/violence/language as the story demands. If you’re more comfortable writing G or PG fic, that’s fine too.
*my dislikes: I’m not a huge fan of non-con, although I can deal with it if it serves as a necessary plot-point. The only things that really hit my squicks are animal abuse - looking at my fandoms you’ve probably figured out that I have no problem with beating on the human characters for the sake of plot - and non-cracky mpreg. (As to the crackier side of mpreg, see above: make me laugh and watch me fangirl you.)
*my fandom-specific requests & suggestions (listed alphabetically):
*Ghost - Radical Face (album)
This is my "off the beaten path" request. I wasn't the original nominator, but when I read this in the list I had to pull out my iPod and remind myself how much I love the beautiful, bittersweet lyrics and music in this album. "Wrapped in Piano Strings" is easily one of my favorite songs of all times - I've come up with half a dozen interpretations of the story behind the lyrics and I'd love to read your take on it or any of the other songs here.
*The Good Wife (characters: Alicia Florrick, Glenn Childs, Peter Florrick, Becca)
I fell for this show primarily due to Alicia and her wonderfully nuanced reactions to all of the various important relationships in her life. Of all of the characters she interacts with, Glenn in particular intrigues me, because he strikes me as a work in progress who left the show too soon - what exactly was his relationship with Peter in the SA's office? Who was he ten years ago and where will he be ten years from now? Is there any situation that would compel him to forge an alliance with Alicia? Bonus points for Glenn/Peter or Glenn/Alicia hate!sex, because wow, talk about a big ball of angst and bitterness and pretty.
As for "darling Becca," I'm probably her fandom of one as per usual, but I confess to getting a huge kick out of her mean-girl antics, if only for the way she manages to ruffle Eli Gold like no one else can. I'd love to read about a typical day in her life: what exactly does she think about Zach and Eli and the Florricks? What happened in the past to make her approach life the way she does, and where is she five or ten years in the future?
*Point Pleasant (characters: Lucas Boyd, Judy Kramer, Christina Nickson, Terry Burke)
To me, the Boyd/Christina/Judy interactions were the best thing about this show. More than any other characters and despite their own flaws and failings, Judy and Boyd were symbolic of everything good, evil, and in-between that Christina could hope to attain, and their tug of war over her affections and loyalties was the linchpin of almost everything she did. I’d love to see this “threesome” explored further, either as an actual shippy threesome (or a couple of twosomes) or just a more in-depth look at the events of “Swimming With Boyd” and their aftermath. For those into future-oriented fic, if Season 2 had existed, what would happen if Judy and Boyd found themselves forced to work together to stop/save Christina?
I was kind of "meh" about Terry when I watched the first couple of episodes, then he ended up completely winning me over when I realized he was becoming one of the most complicated shades-of-grey characters in the entire show. I was especially intrigued by his interactions with Boyd, and I'd love to read anything featuring the two of them, from Boyd being fatherly to his protégé to Boyd/Terry slash. Feel free to write about Paula, Jesse, or any of the other PP characters and how they view Terry's relationship with Boyd.
*Profiler (characters: Samantha Waters, Frances Malone, Jack of All Trades, Chloe Waters)
Samantha is an intriguing character to me because we get to see her evolve over several seasons, from a vulnerable grieving widow in hiding to a tough professional out to take down a serial killer at any cost. I'd love to see an exploration of how she deals with all of these changes. What does she do when she profiles Jack? What happens to her after she kills Jack and leaves the VCTF? Would anything pull her back into the life of an FBI profiler?
Chloe is another character who does a lot of growing over the course of the show, both physically and emotionally. I'd love to know how she evolves over the course of the years spent in hiding, how she deals with her father's death and her mother's obsession with all of the dark details of her job. What did she take away from her meetings with Jack and what kind of a person is she five or ten years later?
If you glance through my fics you'll see that I'm one of about four people out there who likes Frannie Malone, although in my case I crossed the line a long time ago to pretty much adoring everything about her. I've always thought that a “relationship” between her and Jack would be a hot, pretty train-wreck of epic proportions. What would happen if they met while she was on the run after shooting her father, and what would the fallout be for both of them? For a more gen/plot-centered fic, what’s going on in Frances’ life during season 4 (since she isn’t onscreen then)? Who is she five or ten years later? What kind of cop/profiler would she make?
Jack is just all kinds of potential fun, if your idea of fun is on the sick and twisted side. *G* His connection to Samantha is always intriguing and great fic-fodder, but I’d also love to see some behind-the-scenes context. What made him who & what he is? What exactly was he doing all those months in Otis, California before the FBI showed up?
*Sleepy Hollow (characters: Abbie Mills, Jennifer Mills, August Corbin, Ichabod Crane)
One of the things I love about brand-new shows is all the wonderful untapped potential in the characters, and I think we've only begun to scratch the surface of the complicated relationships between the Mills sisters and Sherriff Corbin. I'd love an exploration of the back-story of how the sisters' relationship grew apart and how they feel about being reluctant partners with Ichabod today. I'm getting a definite Sarah Connor-type vibe from Jennie's character, and I'd love a glimpse into the times she trained with Corbin and how he prepared her to get her bad-ass on for the impending Apocalypse.
*A Tangled Web (characters: Nan Penhallow, Gay Penhallow, Roger Penhallow, Noel Gibson)
I’m pretty sure I’m one of the only Nan fans out there - I’d really like to see an exploration of the outspoken, independent city girl who chafed against her traditional rural kinfolk, something that acknowledges her flaws without bashing her character. What was the real reason behind her stormy relationship with Gay? What happened when she broke off her engagement and returned home - were the Margoldsby dollars really better than love? Who is she five or ten years later? I’m open to Nan/Gay slash, het, interactions and relationships of any kind with Roger and Noel, etc.
So, I hope the above has served as a helpful and hopefully anxiety-reducing set of guidelines. Remember, Optional Details are Optional! Feel free to twist them around, stand them on their head, or run with them wherever your muse takes you. Thanks again for creating something so unique and wonderful just for me, and have fun!!
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