Went to the gym today with
cz_journal (he got me a 7-day pass - thank you!) and did 2 miles on the treadmill keeping a steady 7:30 pace. Then it was off to work the body a little. Gosh, I didn't realize how out of shape I am in. Let's just hope I can keep this up!
It is an experience to just sit and watch others work out. You see all sorts of people, from the meatheads to the beauty queens and everything in between. I always thought that people worked out for health reasons..to better themselves and live longer lives. Boy, was I wrong. I think a majority of clients do it for narcissistic reasons. They just want to look better. I guess that's okay too. I realized this when talking to a friend one time and how much time he spends at the gym. When I mentioned that it was good that he cared about his health, he looked at me and said, "What? No no Michael, I do it so people will look at me. It's purely an ego thing. I guess I should do it for my health..throw in some cardio. I don't even know if I can run a mile." I was shocked at his response. He was built like a tree and, as he said, women loved it.
So everyonoe goes to the gym for different reasons. In the end though, we all want to look better...naked. Who doesn't? Me? I just want to put on some mass while keeping my stamina. I hate being so slender. (I try not to use the word skinny. I feel it's derogative)