a message to everyone... almost yearbookish

Jun 13, 2005 23:33

_youneverknow- laura, i hardly know you, but what i do know of you i love! you are so smart and i get the impression that you work hard at everything you do. good luck at U of M (?) next year!!

agebabe06- age, we've become so much closer recently, and i love it. and hey, we're locker partners now, haha. i know i can trust you with anything, and even if we don't see eye to eye on certain things, we now know we have the ability to agree to disagree. coffee chats are the best, and i'll miss having 3rd block with you!

clarkie18- laura, i've known you for so long... either through jaimie or through soccer. i hope i'm your favorite SENIOR now! now you can be MY favorite freshman! good luck next year!

concretejuice- courtney, you're in californina and i don't know if you do the whole lj thing anymore. anyway, you're the best, have a great summer, lemme know if u want a better entry, haha

crazykid44- steven malcolm, i'll always be your snow queen! is there anything else to say?? haha

dlayedreaction- madalyn, between the lists, the procrastination, the naps, and the giggling... i think we're the same person. can't wait for our movie nights, the list is getting pretty long. loved having MAL with you this year, and i know i can always be honest with you, even if it's not what u want to hear. i respect that u always stand up for what u believe in, and have a great summer!

elyons06- elena... not sure if u read this, but anyway, we're going to have a kickass summer! gossiping and partying and chillin (hopefully by the pool!) it's gonna be great, lyl

emsweetie06- emma, you're such a jerk. jk! you're actually one of the sweetest people ever, and we go waaaay back... all the way to when you were short, and i was... well, shorter than i am now.

foxx717- mariel, chrissy and i have the best plan for keeping in touch, ask her about it. you'll be excited too.

jbar2006- jenny! you're such a cutie and a sweetheart to top it off. we've kinda drifted apart since freshman year, but i want to keep in touch with you over the summer!

lilbballplaya24- ah, my rachele. working out, b-ball, and hanging out- we're gonna have tons of fun together this summer. i'm glad i got to know you again this year, and thanks for getting me addicted to rollerblading. maybe we can rollerblade instead of run those two miles next monday??

mattthepirate- matt, not gonna lie, we've drifted apart and it makes me sad. i don't know if you even want to be friends anymore, but keep in touch over the summer!

pinkflamingo06- katie, where to begin?!? well i guess i'll start off with the fact that you're my bug (and i hope u remember that story, but if you don't, no hard feelings, i'd be happy to tell it again) i love our coffee shop and walking talks, and i can't wait for this summer. and next year we'll be SENIORS and keep those frosh in line.. hopefully, haha

purplemonkey007- chris, mr. president. can't wait to spend the summer hanging out with you, hopefully many games of kidnapped. you're gonna have to be a great leader next year, but of course we'll all help you out

shutupnplay9- kiki! i hope u had an amazing b-day, and can't wait for this summer... maybe we'll have to go shopping together so we don't get the EXACT SAME outfits, haha. you're a sweetheart!

signature_item- melanie, you know the feeling when you've made a memory?? well lying on the track looking up at that single star talking about aliens with you was great. i hope to keep in touch with you this summer, and i promise to always yell your name out in the halls when i see you

somethinkickass- dan! i want a high five too! (i still resent the fact that tim always gets the first one, haha) looking forward to a great summer, hopefully a lot of hanging out with you!

soswtnacutie- sona, can u take a saturday or tuesday shift?? haha, i'm so bad with my schedule. i love working with you, and having first block with you, even though i probably keep you (and the rest of the class) from sleeping. and don't forget YOU'RE CONFUSED!!!! lol

sprklyfizz_21- aahhh, where to begin?!?! vroom, vroom, what's up?! lol all of our inside jokes and randomness... with a little bit of seriousness combine to make a friendship that i could never ask for out of anybody else. i'm glad that we've remained close over the years, and of course we'll continue that this summer (even though you're already on vacation, not fair) but i still love you. and btw, i'm gonna keep beating you in our little online races ;)

sunnyrunner- carla, congrats on graduating, and good luck at allegheny (sp?) next year! stop by my house any time that u'r running and need water... i'll give u buckets full of water if u want!! or just stop by to talk, even if you're not thirsty

sunxkissedxtear- trish, loved having espanol with you this year- you're the cutest person ever! and i think we're a lot more alike than we give ourselves credit for... you give the best lj advice, especially since you're always known as the happy one too, you always know what i'm feeling like even though we don't know each other that well, keep in touch!

timin- timin, i'll always tell you when i trip, haha. it's been soooo much fun getting to know you this year. you're an amazing graphic designer... dont' bother getting another job. we're gonna have a kickass summer too!!

xo_raquelly_xo- raquel, almost done with psych. have we done anything all semester??? you're such a fun girl- have a party!!! haha, give me a call over the summer too, cause we gotta keep in touch!
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