Don't Put Your Faith In Me, I'll Only Break Your Heart

Oct 05, 2005 18:45

Hmm so let's see...the weekend was rockin, and I finished it off by finally going to bed at like 4 in the morning sunday I had 2 hours of sleep before work...yay for me. It wasn't my fault though...we all went out to coquitlam to Jay's house and played some music there till late, then Carla met up with us there and came back to our house and we watched some tv for a while...hook was on at like 2 in the morning, fucking awesome movie, I love it...anyways, work was decent and the plan after work was to carve pumpkins and do some crazy shit, but for some reason we never got the pumpkins, so our plans were foiled...booerns to instead, we sat around doing sfa all night. Next day was pretty fun...I got home from work and chelsea wanted to hang out, so I went over to check out her new place, which is really fucking awesome...all hardwood floors and pretty big...and we went in the pool and hot tub in her building for a bit then chilled and watched blow...when we were picking out movies, or rather when she asked me what movie I wanted to watch, I saw blow and I was all "omg I've had the biggest craving for blow all week"...and she just stared at me, thinking I wasn't really talking about the movie...silly her...anyways, we watched that and half way through becca phoned and was seeing what I was up after the movie I called her back and we ended up chilling downtown for hours just talking and times...we went to two different 711s to find becca a bus pass, and they were both out...and then we went to tim hortons and I bought 10 timbits and got becca to pick them out...of course she was being all sweet in the way she talked with what she wanted, so the guy totally put like 20 in instead...god I wish I had boobies...after we ate our timbits, we parted ways and I went to burrard skytrain and the skytrains were all messed and I had to wait for 2 trains to pass for me to get on the one going home...which only went to stadium then had to transfer...but, on the train going to stadium, at granville station tara hops on the skytrain! It was the weirdest timing/place ever to see her, as I hadn't seen her in ages...I think since like stephs birthday or something...but it was cool...anyways, got home by about 1:30 and went to bed...I really should get some more sleep, seeing as how I pulled an all nighter last friday, and I think I might do it again this friday...we'll see if mel is up for it first.

Can't wait for thanksgiving dinner though :)
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