okay, so if all my photos are rather dull and sort of foggy-like, that's because of the weather, and my lack of lighting skills/photoshop here. it's funny though, because it's apparently considered really good for this time of the year, according to everyone we've met. the newspaper reported the london marathon as having 'terribly hot weather conditions' at 20 deg C.
20 deg.
they are mad.
i am wearing a sweater, coat, stockings and socks and boots and a scarf and i am still cold >.>
so we drove around a lot, and this is somewhere in ireland. i don't remember where. cork perhaps? lots of grass, trees, and sheep everywhere. yay sheep!
kyouya found himself a little old bottle of guiness stout in an irish pub. i bought a replica from the souvenir shop at the guiness brewery we visited in dublin :3
I LOVE OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGS!!! ♥ so cute! >o< they've been my favourite breed ever since i saw one for the first time in the little mermaid, too bad singapore's too small and too hot to have one. this one was lazing around outside a shop in a small town along the coast of ireland, somewhere near the ring of kerry. i obviously didn't compose the photo very well because he has a flagpole sticking out of his butt ^^;;
kyouya at the gardens of muckross' house, some really old house that we visited in ireland. to be honest, i don't know what so interesting about the house, apart from the fact that it belonged to rich people a really long time ago. apparently, they spent 6 years decorating the house preparing for the queen to stay a night or two there. 6 years. pfft.
street artists in dublin, drawing on the pavement with coloured chalk. amazing artwork, but once it rains...
a protestant house in belfast, northern ireland. the vibe there is pretty unsettling, with all these houses with walls painted with hardcore murals. STILL LOYALIST. NO SURRENDER >:( !!!
still in belfast, the peace fence which stretches all the way down the entire area, and separates the catholics from the protestants. apparently, every now and then, people will still throw rocks stuff over from one side of the street to the other. not the safest place to live.
the shipyard where the titanic was built. it was a joke from our guide that the irish are the only people who will boast about having built something that sank XD
some busker in edinburgh. can't go to scotland without taking at least one honorary photo of a man in a skirt playing a bag.
more to come later :D