May 02, 2008 08:36
So now I'm sick, and annoyed, and I stayed up til 1am writing a report. I wake up today expecting a lift to uni because mum came to me last night asking "What time do you have class today? Because I have to go in to Wollongong at 8"... and I wake up and she's left without realizing that I would indeed like a lift to uni.
So, annoyed but okay, I get dressed and pack my gear onto my motorbike. Key the ignition - bike won't start. "Okay, it's a cold day, these things happen."
Key the ignition - bike still won't start.
Flick the choke on, key the ignition - bike still just makes vague grumbling noises as the engine turns over. Great.
So I try rolling it down my driveway and getting a rolling start. Nothing.
I put it on to manual ignition. ie. using the pull start, not the electric starter. Nothing.
After 20 minutes of repeating all these steps... I give up.
So I've just now called up the university to tell them I can't make my lab; can't submit my report; can't make the exam today. I'm going to have to go get a doctor's certificate, arrange a time I CAN make the supplement exam, and then mess my whole timetable up... just because my bike wouldn't start. Well great, at least I'm sick now... so a doctor's certificate shouldn't be too hard.
And the beautiful part is, I just went outside now to test if the bike would start... just one more time. And it fucking starts up first go.
God must hate me today.
Edit: I think I might officially name change that bike from "Gonad" to "Shitbox"