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neverbreaks September 1 2011, 13:46:44 UTC
( A rough grunt, harshly followed by a jagged snarl. Her face has a bloody gash down it, the blood stinging over her eye and forcing it shut as she snaps her teeth towards their jugular. There's no words, but she's moving fast, trying to get her hands on them, to force crippling feelings through their chests. )

Get away from me.

( Her fingers swipe again, but even if they're human, she's weaker than usual - a fourth appears, and Jules feels the air punched out of her chest as a needle pushes through her shoulder muscles. )


howhuman September 1 2011, 14:07:43 UTC
[ But the forth one is soon to disappear as Em slams a cricket bat against the back of his head. Not too hard, though, enough to knock him out. Em isn't that clean either, eye all bruised and nose bleeding from a punch (or something). Hybrid whore, that's what people usually call Em. She pays little mind to it, as long as she can keep Jules safe.

She drops the bat - not because she wants to, but because one of the assaulter punched her to the floor and now that she's trapped under him, he punches her jaw, hard.

Whoops, lucky she isn't spitting teeth. ]


neverbreaks September 1 2011, 14:17:53 UTC
( Rage sets in. She twists her hand away from the human, slams her hand against his chest and lets agony rip through, pain that sets all his nerves alight, emotional and physical mixing together until his heart can't keep up. A shudder and he's down, body convulsing.

Two are down, two remain, and the one not attacking Em swings a chain across Jules' back, metal links forcing the air out of her body before he brings them back for a second swing. Never mind him - she's heading towards the one attacking Em, and she doesn't think before lunging at him, teeth tearing at his throat while her nails - claws, as she uses them - sink into his shoulders.

Her mouth is a bloody mess, but she stays over Em, protective, even while there's a warm body in her hands. )


howhuman September 1 2011, 14:41:43 UTC
[ Em breathes out in relief once he's no longer punching her, instead covered by Jules. She's wheezing more than breathing and crying in pain, jaw red, blood coming out of her mouth my by, bruises on her neck as he had held down. She's tough, but not that tough, and they are going at it pretty badly.

But there's still one left. Em screams when she sees him ready to strike and grabs onto Jules, hard, a grip that keeps her close. And then she turns them around, just before she chain hits, grazing her back instead of Jules'. She screams in pain, strength in her arms vanishing at the impact.

She has to protect Jules, Jules and the baby. ]


neverbreaks September 1 2011, 14:54:25 UTC

( The horror spreads over her face like wildfire, and immediately her arms are wrapping around Em, holding her and supporting her as the chain falls away. She can't see the marks from it, but she can still feel the welts across her back, can imagine the livid red marks that'll bloom into dark, ugly bruises.

Her gaze snaps back to the final man standing, and he looks like he's fuelled on terror, sees three bodies and is fighting only because it's that, or accept a bloody fate of his own. Jules guides Em to the floor, ignores her body's protests and the pain in her muscles, taking advantage of all that monster strength and speed as she grabs him by the neck, watches his pupils dilate in terror before her hand shreds upward, driving until his jaw is torn clean off.

His body crumbles like a marionette with the strings cut, but she doesn't notice. There's only one thing that matters, now: ) Em, God, Em-- ( Her voice is shaking. ) You should've run away.


howhuman September 1 2011, 15:08:32 UTC
[ All this violence does not bother Em, not when it's used to survive. She doesn't try to stop Jules either, but mostly because the pain soaring through her back is horrible. She can feel the broken skin beneath pulse painfully and she just lays there, useless, crying and sobbing as she tries to breathe again.

She slowly pushes herself up, arms shaking painfully and she shakes her head. She can't yet speak, too much in pain and still trying to breathe, but she does reach out of Jules, wanting to pull her close. ]


neverbreaks September 1 2011, 15:17:38 UTC
( All that tumbles out of her mouth are gentle shushing sounds, soothing and quiet. Her muscles are whispering painful, angry little hisses, but she ignores that tearing feeling all through her limbs to scoop Em up. She kisses Em's cheek, brushes her hair out of her face, kisses her again.

This should never have happened. She should have been more careful, somehow, and this shouldn't have happened. Her is against Em's back and the other under her legs as she lifts and carries her. Jules' motions are stiff and sore and now there's a chance for her to actually hurt and not keep fighting, her body feels all frozen up. ) Come on.

( She holds Em as close as she can. ) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


howhuman September 1 2011, 15:26:04 UTC
[ She winces as she gets scooped up, her face, all bloody, leans against Jules' shoulder and stains it red. She presses a hand to Jules' chest, still not talking, but after a while, she pushes gently. ]

No, put me down. [ It hurts to talk, her face bruised and swollen from the punches, a gash on her lip and a bruised eye, an open wound on her eyebrow; if it hadn't been for Jules, she would have beaten to death. ] You're not well-- You can't-- Don't stress your body even more.

[ Really, she just wants to flop down and cry. ]


neverbreaks September 1 2011, 15:35:37 UTC
Em. ( No, nonono. She tries to swallow, but it just becomes a raspy little sob, and as she tries to set Em down her knees start to give way, until she finally sinks down onto them. ) I'm so sorry. We-- can't.

( Everything hurts, but she keeps her arms around Em, smoothing her hair. ) Come on. You need-- we need, I-- you need ice.

( She can't think about her, the baby, she can't think about it at all. Em is bleeding, fragile and bruised, skin tender and devastated. Her left eye is still shut, blood coagulating and clinging over her eyebrow and forcing her eye shut as she gentle brushes her fingertip over Em's lip, against those angry bruises. ) We need to get you ice. Okay?


howhuman September 1 2011, 15:44:00 UTC
[ She groans in sympathy when Jules falls on her knees. She stays put, though, doesn't move as Jules smooths her hair - knows that it's a way to soothe Jules herself.

But eventually, she has to. Pulling herself away slightly, she presses her sleeve against the gash over Jules' eyebrow, trying to clean it. ]

What we need is to get out of here. We are both faster if we both walk. Okay? It's better this way. [ She knows her knee is not the best knee around, but she can run if she needs to. ] We just need to get out of here.


neverbreaks September 1 2011, 15:50:10 UTC
Okay. ( Sometimes she needs Em to direct her, needs someone to lay out something for her to do, because the shock and the horror start to sink in. It's how they function - they help each other along, one stepping in when the other falters. They're a team.

A little whimper, and she pushes herself to her feet, hands extended to pull Em with her. ) We'll get there. The van can't be far.

( This was awful. She suggested they go into the city, she suggested they take some time away from the sanctuary. She was careless, missed something, didn't watch carefully enough. ) Why would they attack another human?

( She's so angry and hurt and just-- why? She eats people, she understands them hating her, but why Em? )


howhuman September 1 2011, 16:08:03 UTC
[ She takes Jules' hands and gets up, a bit shakily at first, then leans against her for support. After steadying herself, she winces - they are both in pain, after all - and takes a deep breath. ]

Yeah. [ She nods, takes her hand and starts walking in large steps. The van never sounded so good (except in similar situations, as unfortunately this isn't the first attack and neither will it be the last).

Ah, the question. She smiles, but not sad - proud, almost - and brings her hand up, the one with the wedding ring. ]

Because people are stupid and can't stand to see past differences.


neverbreaks September 1 2011, 16:22:39 UTC
( Her smiles is trembling, cut short by the pain of a throbbing lip, but it is there. Almost mouthed, more than spoken; ) I love you.

( Reaching out, she twines her fingers with Em's, very gentle and slow, cautious. ) They'e stupid. ( And they get their jaws taken off, their throats ripped out. Slowly, she starts to limp - not too slow, she's rushing so they can get to the van, and she's feeling for her keys in her pocket. ) Just-- just a little further.

( They caught them before they could make it to the van, but at least it's not far. ) We can get in, Em. We can get in and lock the doors, and I can drive us home or we can sleep there, we can--

( Her voice is ragged and tired. ) We'll be okay.


howhuman September 2 2011, 10:49:36 UTC
[ Em smiles, squeezes her hand around Jules' as if to say "I love you too".

Her head is throbbing in pain, back hurting like hell, her face feels so sore and tender, but Em keeps going. The van really isn't far away and its sight has never been sweeter. ]

Yeah, that sounds perfect.

[ But there's a wince and she clings to Jules' arm for a bit, although it's quick to pass as Em shakes her head and keeps walking - she wants to get to that van right now. ]


neverbreaks September 2 2011, 11:01:14 UTC
( She stops as Em winces, but keeps going with that shakes her of head, murmuring quiet encouragement between painful breaths. Keeping her arm wrapped around Em, she fumbles with the keys to hurry the door open. ) Okay. Here we go.

( Looking around, she keeps her eyes open, watches for any movement. It's safe, so far, but she's suspicious, before she finally hurries after her and slams the door shut. )

I'll get-- ow, let's get the first aid kit. ( Very tenderly, she touches Em's cheek. ) I'm so sorry. ( And a kiss to the forehead, light and barely there. )


howhuman September 2 2011, 21:34:08 UTC
Hey, no-- It's not your fault. It's theirs.

[ And she's very serious about it, eyes locked on Jules', a frown settling in. Nevertheless, she runs her hand against her arm, before turning to the fridge. There's still some ice left in it and she takes it out, wrapping a thin towel around it. She sits on the bed and groans, leaning her bruised face against it. ]

I'm so glad we didn't take the kids. [ There's a tightness in her heart when she says it. Can't even imagine what would have happened if they had been there - doesn't want to imagine it. ]


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