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knowstheprice September 1 2011, 13:41:53 UTC
[ Mm, beating people up, what else is new? With some amount of feral precision, he knees his assailant in the adbomen, helping him sink down with a less than companionable thwack on the shoulder. ]



wouldnthatbe September 1 2011, 14:08:46 UTC
[See, things never really turn out great when you make the brave decision to step away from what you would usually do -- see a fight and walk away like nothing ever happened, it's more likely to get you in unnecessary trouble otherwise -- but something tells him that it's a monster hybrid getting attacked for no good reason, and he can only think of what it would feel like if he saw it happening to Teagan.

Needless to say Jerry doesn't really think when he makes his way to them quickly -- maybe just pulling them apart and appealing to their good senses would work? (Jerry you idiot) -- but he stops barely a couple of steps away from the conflict when Oxford makes a good show of just how well he can handle himself.]


knowstheprice September 1 2011, 14:27:11 UTC
[ Dusting off a shoulder casually, Oxford wastes very little time in identifying another scent behind him also human. It's better to be safe than sorry; with one sharp movement, he whirls around, a hand stretched out to grab Jerry roughly by the neck. ]


wouldnthatbe September 1 2011, 14:37:59 UTC
[He flails just a little bit, given how quickly it happens, and can't seem to muster anything with his voice other than a very weird and startled sound. His current predicament doesn't really allow for words, does it.]



knowstheprice September 1 2011, 14:47:34 UTC
I suggest you give me a good reason not to crush your throat in the next five seconds, or else I'll make sure that pitiful noise you just made is how I remember you.

[ There's a very conversational quality to his tone, and he obligingly loosens his grip on Jerry's neck to make it a little easier for him to speak - but before he receives an answer, the man that Oxford just felled slams back into him again. Grunting irritably, Oxford shoves Jerry away, and turns to grapple once again with this individual. ]

Tough bastard, aren't you?


wouldnthatbe September 1 2011, 15:37:03 UTC
[His voice would break into a higher pitch of indignity if he weren't too busy recovering from the startle and trying to catch his breath, collapsed on the floor. It doesn't really affect him physically, but breathing is still very nice, thank you.]


knowstheprice September 1 2011, 17:08:20 UTC
[ And another NPC bites the dust. Or more specifically, a NPC has just been smashed rather inelegantly in a wall. Sighing in a somewhat put upon manner, Oxford turns smartly on his heel to stare at Jerry for a moment before crouching next to him - once again, his hand is around Jerry's throat, but it's a warning, this time. He isn't exerting any pressure in particular, but his nails are poised for something rather uncomfortable if necessary. ]

My apologies, where were we?


wouldnthatbe September 1 2011, 17:44:12 UTC
[Jerry is already shuddering and shutting his eyes seconds before the other man is effectively smashed into a wall, awful feeling sinking into his chest as soon he knows it will happen. He's thinking of all the unflattering names he wants to call himself for actually thinking he'd help instead of getting himself in deeper trouble by the time he realizes that hand is grabbing his neck again.]

I didn't do anything!


knowstheprice September 1 2011, 17:53:13 UTC
Not quite the answer I was looking for. [ He digs his nails into Jerry's neck, intending for the movement to be a helpful prompt - except there is an extended pause as he stares at the other man's neck, frowning. When he finally speaks again, there is a slightly distracted quality to his voice. ] Were you planning on doing anything?


wouldnthatbe September 1 2011, 18:04:33 UTC
[Agh, no. This is not good. Jerry, you idiot, he's going to realize you can't get hurt and your life will only get more difficult for it.]

I was planning on helping you.

[Undignified and defensive enough, he could just sound like a coward trying to crawl his way out of trouble as soon as he realized he was very much out of his league, depending on how truthfully his answer is taken.]


knowstheprice September 1 2011, 18:24:53 UTC
Mm. Of course you were. [ Oxford is clearly not paying attention to a word Jerry's saying. He experimentally pushes his nails against Jerry's skin, a little harder, and then harder, before softening once again. He smiles mildly to himself, his voice soft and entirely curious. ] Moving swiftly onwards - would you like to tell me why it is I'm not drawing blood right now? You smell overwhelmingly human, you look no more extraordinary than the next man, and yet where I would normally be making persuasive little incisions on the next man's neck... well.

[ He laughs, shortly. ] You're bringing a new meaning to the term "thick skin".


wouldnthatbe September 1 2011, 19:25:33 UTC
[He'd release a very heavy sigh if he could. Instead he rolls his eyes and shuts them. A man like Jerry has trouble swearing even in his head, so we'll just have to be content with milder curses.]

Please, just--[he interrupts himself, obviously not very amused by Oxford's humor. His little experiments aren't doing wonders, either, so now he assumes an almost scolding stance.] Just let me go. I never meant to cause any trouble.


knowstheprice September 1 2011, 19:39:26 UTC
[ Oxford too rolls his eyes, scoffing quietly. ]

There's no need for that, I was never going to do you much harm. [ Pleasantly, Oxford releases Jerry's neck, standing and even holding out a hand to help him up. ] Considering that you actually spoke to me instead of mindlessly instigating violence, I've suspected for a while you might be alright. I just had to be certain, that's all.


wouldntthatbe September 2 2011, 15:40:03 UTC
[His hand is now rubbing his neck, brows quirking in many different, disapproving ways. Jerry gives Oxford a look before taking that hand to get on his feet.]

Yes, I can see that.


knowstheprice September 2 2011, 17:11:57 UTC
[ Oxford's grip lingers on Jerry's hand, pointedly. His eyes are bright with intrigue, and it's obvious in his tone too. ]

Mind you, I don't think I could have done too much damage even if I'd tried.


wouldnthatbe September 2 2011, 21:29:53 UTC
[Oh ha ha.]

Then I'm very glad you didn't try.


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