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tricklesdown June 17 2011, 21:26:22 UTC
[ Hell, Teagan doesn't know what's going on, but she certainly isn't complaining.

There is a wreath of yellow flowers in her hair, and instead of the baggy, ill-fitting jumpers and t-shirts that she prefers under normal circumstances, she is dressed in floaty, cream coloured dress - currently slightly bunched up around her knees as she tentatively dips her bare toes into the shallow waters of a stream, weaving its wave between meadow and the forest. She giggles lightly at the cool temperature of the water, but advances bravely, nonetheless! ]


wouldntthatbe June 18 2011, 00:43:25 UTC
[Oh, she looks lovely. It's nice to see the younger Teagan again; he's wondered about her since their last encounter. He isn't entirely sure he wants to interrupt but watching her unannounced would be kind of creepy. Maybe.

So he stays in his place, visible enough to wait for her to notice him before he says hello.]


tricklesdown June 18 2011, 12:37:05 UTC
[ Very much entertained by wading around in the ankle deep water, it takes Teagan a little while to turn her attentions elsewhere, away from the clear water. Lithely hopping back to shore, she shakes the droplets off her feet before letting the dress down, smiling broadly. It is at this point that she finally looks up. ]

Jerry! [ Her smile brightens even more, and she waves, moving towards him. ]


wouldntthatbe June 18 2011, 13:01:57 UTC
[He smiles humbly enough, waiting for her to approach before he answers.]

I would have said hello, but I couldn't possibly interrupt such a blissful moment.


tricklesdown June 18 2011, 13:17:17 UTC
[ Teagan pulls a mildly disappointed face, pouting a little, but she laughs, nonetheless. ]

Probably for the best - I probably would have made you join me if I'd seen you earlier.


wouldntthatbe June 18 2011, 14:45:21 UTC
Then it's definitely a good thing I didn't interrupt you.


tricklesdown June 18 2011, 15:30:46 UTC
I would have appreciated the company! [ Somewhat fondly: ] Spoilsport.

How have you been?

[ As Teagan speaks it sort of properly registers in her mind that she is speaking to Jerry. As in the older version of the young man she had been kissing recently. HM. THIS IS A LITTLE ODD. ]


wouldntthatbe June 18 2011, 15:43:39 UTC
[he is using his ignore buttons on his abilities like a boss. It gets a little easier once he thinks of the boy as a separate... person. Because that's sort of what he is becoming!]

Good, good... considering. [He places his hands on his hips, looking around (and looking slightly comical in his new attire).] But I can't complain. [eyes back on her! There is something oddly amusing to him about the next question.] I trust you've been well?


tricklesdown June 18 2011, 16:04:49 UTC
Well, I think you look charming. [ Said in an amused but non-mean way. Although Teagan too is trying to think of Jerry and Jeremy as different people (and succeeding, to a certain extent!) she can't help the faintest of pink flushes appearing in her cheeks, though if her smile is anything to go by, it is more a flush of happiness than embarrassment. ] I have! I really have... things have been looking up, so to speak.


wouldntthatbe June 18 2011, 16:21:26 UTC
[He drops his shoulders, exhaling.] Oh?


tricklesdown June 18 2011, 21:34:57 UTC
[ and hours later i decide i'm not happy with this tag DURRR ]

[ Teagan shrugs, her hands naturally shifting behind her back, her expression distinctively pleased even though she is still a little evasive in her answer. ]

This place has been fairly kind to us recently, that's all... funny clothes aside, wherever we are right now is gorgeous, don't you think?


wouldntthatbe June 19 2011, 00:04:16 UTC
Yes, there's no doubting that. [he glances away as he speaks.] I wouldn't mind staying here for a while.


eventhegood June 19 2011, 01:49:58 UTC
Me neither. [ Teagan glances briefly across the meadows, sheilding her eyes from the sunlight, before turning her vivid smile back at Jerry. ] Let's go for a wander. I haven't explored this place much, yet.


bewhat June 19 2011, 01:56:59 UTC





greaterbastich June 19 2011, 01:58:51 UTC
i'll kill you if you delete this


eventhegood June 19 2011, 02:03:16 UTC


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