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goddamnthe June 13 2011, 00:34:10 UTC
[He sighs and goes to sit down on a park bench and smoke.]

There is no wonderment in the sciences, it's all incredibly dreary. It's only by avoiding its analysis that one may find wonder.


decouvreur June 13 2011, 21:35:09 UTC
[Judging, so much.]

Very limited.


goddamnthe June 13 2011, 22:07:47 UTC
[He glances up, because you are dripping judgement, Barbet. He smiles idly behind his cigarette.]

Old and stuck in my ways, I'm sure you understand.


decouvreur June 13 2011, 22:36:20 UTC
No. Not if you are attempting to speak of art.

[There's a lot of disdain wrapped neatly around that 'attempting'.]


goddamnthe June 13 2011, 22:49:57 UTC
[Oh no, Frenchy, this just won't do.]

One can only attempt it, accomplishment comes in the doing.


decouvreur June 13 2011, 23:10:53 UTC


goddamnthe June 14 2011, 00:29:10 UTC
It's such a pleasure to be understood.


decouvreur June 14 2011, 01:40:27 UTC
Yes, because it is such a difficult task.


1ntagli0 June 14 2011, 01:51:51 UTC
[All right, children, he's coming. He's not that patient about waiting anyway, and of course Barbet has to get distracted by idiotic conversations when all he's going to do anyway is decide the other person is a plebian and dismiss them. Zinc generally reaches the same conclusion, but he knows better than to bother with the conversation.]

Insult him and get it over with.


goddamnthe June 14 2011, 01:56:02 UTC
[He looks up at that and then looks at the boy with curiosity. Someone he hasn't seen in four or is it five years, and my he has grown up nicely. Much more athletic looking than he remembers. He can't decide if that's a pity or not. A setting with less clothing would help in that. That would be a bit blunt of a request though, wouldn't it. But... he remembers Carl, a bit blunt himself, if he's interested, he will certainly say so.

Cotnari smiles instead and asks languidly,]

Is that where we were headed?


decouvreur June 14 2011, 02:06:22 UTC
[Barbet shoots Zinc a look, not best pleased with being told what to do.]

I already had. Clearly it was above his head.


1ntagli0 June 14 2011, 02:14:44 UTC
[Zinc isn't listening, he'd finally actually bothered to look at the other man and paused. It takes him a moment, simply because that was unexpected, but a smile spreads across his face slowly.]

What are you doing here?

[He leaves Barbet's side to go sit down very close to Cotnari, not even batting an eyelash when his face is touched lazily by his old mentor.]


goddamnthe June 14 2011, 02:23:10 UTC
Trading insults with your friend.

[He toys with the hair over the boy's ear thoughtfully, admiring his face close up. It is so interesting how boys change in those years after 18. They're treated as if they're grown, but they've only just begun. Few retain their beauty through it, although Carl has done quite well. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised, he had always been an impressive little thing.]

So this is where you've been. [He fishes his phone out of his pocket, handing it over.] It's always such a pity when they run away, but you have grown up beautifully.


1ntagli0 June 14 2011, 02:34:08 UTC
[Zinc glances over his shoulder to make sure Barbet hasn't taken it in to his head to walk off in a huff, putting his number into the phone with quick fingers.]

Shut up, please. [More affection there than wither and bite, but he knows Cotnari is a liar and a flatterer. He certainly doesn't say please to anyone else, even in that tone of sarcasm. He hands the phone back, threatening amiably,] Take me out before you leave.

[He is getting up then, gets caught up briefly having his hand kissed, which makes him snort, while Cotnari gives a sleazy grin that says he knows exactly how unneeded the gesture was. Zinc shakes him off, there will be plenty of time for him later.]


decouvreur June 14 2011, 03:10:08 UTC
[Barbet really is turning to leave as Zinc gets up again. He's got no interest continuing to talk to the man, really, he obviously has no idea about art, and the fact he and Zinc know each other is of no concern to him. The way the man touches Zinc, though, that does bother him, and not on a level where he can act on or vocalise it.

He and Zinc are not lovers, they are barely friends, but Barbet has a very particular way about sex that ties in extremely closely with his art. Zinc has, on that level, become one of his pieces, and just as he hates the feeders for the way they touch and covet the toys, he dislikes this man's hands. And the simplest solution to that is not to watch them, and certainly not to ask Zinc who he was.]


1ntagli0 June 14 2011, 03:35:33 UTC
[While he appreciates the silence, he is not oblivious to Barbet's prissiness. They've known each other a bit too long for him to claim that sort of ignorance. It's amusing to him, for the most part. He does especially enjoy when he gets huffy over something he's working on, more so now that Zinc has the option to hold him down and suck his dick until he stops it.

He spends a moment thinking about it.]

He really is an idiot.

[Not precisely a reassurance, but Barbet could take it that way if he cared to. Cotnari is a hedonist, with opinions on everything, none of which were sincere or practical.]


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