May 21, 2011 21:48
tricklesdown: teagan,
spoilation: envy,
chionablepsia: blizzardseason,
tenebricus: savaş baghatur ínan,
fearsomefaith: gideon southey,
creepinginmy: jack gibson & cerbos,
tachylite: asha de tisi,
dirt-heart: kelly bridge,
goldurnzombies: bradley dagley,
- members,
typeright: julia "jules" grumley,
boomfizzlepop: michiru amy carlisle,
ohhonay: christopher brent,
badasun: oro delmas,
comethefuckon: bridget jones,
preapocolyptic: ziltch,
phantasias: tiestre jozé,
fuckxerxeslol: father,
withdisgrace: patience,
markedbullets: cat,
gobeyondthe: mercy rivers,
alsacelark: calendre de tisi,
howaverage: emilia gorski
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... She may have been drinking, but it's mostly evident in how relaxed she is, which goes past her normal easy-going way and into bonelessness, almost. ) It's like déjà vu!
Right. Déjà vu.
[ Holding her arms over her stomach protectively while side-eyeing all those dancing people and drinks and smoking and other things other than cigarettes going on. ]
What do you think, Jules? [ Just a tiny bit exasperated. ]
( Ever hopeful. )
I don't feel like dancing. [ A little sigh. ] But, go ahead, go dance. [ And so very jealous: ] No touching, though, okay?
Jules. [ A sigh. Then she looks at that pout. Ugh. It doesn't help that they had a fight not that long ago and she wants to make it up to her and--
God dammit. ] Just for a bit, okay?
Yeah, fun. [ Stupid music, stupid place, stupid drinks. ]
( Right? Because that almost seems like the problem lately. Like there's always something waiting to mess things up, and part of that is her fault, and that is partly why she's had some drinks. ) Just have fun with me.
I'm having fun. [ ... Right. ]
Maybe? ) That's promising.
She sighs through her nose and frowns, pressing her cheek on Jules' shoulder. She's going to go deaf and the music is gonna give her a headache. ]
Jules is good at this dancing thing, and she's having fun just moving to the music, relaxed and cruisey. The alcohol makes it a bit easier for Em's poor mood not to bring her down too far. Still, she tilts her head a bit, eyebrows raised as she looks at Em's cheek pressed against her shoulder.
Hopeful? She's hopeful. Maybe not especially convinced, though. )
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