player ☾ shayna

May 20, 2011 17:28

Illio Under-SkyIllio comes from a city beneath the sea that you've never been to and probably couldn't pronounce because you'd be too busy drowning. He is a scout in the Imperial Army, sent to the surface to investigate a strange black cloud.
He is the youngest son of a great military family, and is eager to prove himself, often to error.
It's also worth noting that Illio has very poor eyesight. He comes from a world where color does not exist because of a long-forgotten curse. To him, the world of dry air is a frightening patchwork of too-bright shapes. Sounds are odd and scratchy to his ears, and he has a tendency to wheeze at times.
Magic is commonplace where Illio comes from, and he's very superstitious.
Likes: chewing on raw eels.
Dislikes: being chewed on by any kind of shark.table by ~scissorbite

PETER PANAs far as he knows, Peter Pan had always been a ward of Kensington Child Services when he began to collect an assortment of fellow orphans in his grand scheme to take them all to his magical world called "Neverland". Peter's power to create other worlds with his mind manifested very early on in his life, most likely the reason why he was never able to be placed in a permanent foster home. Service workers assigned to him reported having odd visions of their childhood fantasies while in the same room as Peter.
These illusions, while very pleasant, became nearly addictive for the orphanage workers who found themselves willing to do reprehensible things in order to stay around Peter. To combat this, Peter was kept around large groups of children in order to fulfil his desire to remain child-like, a mistake on the staff of Kensington's part that ultimately proved near-fatal for a small group of their wards. Slowly but surely, Peter began to build up a cult of personality that started with his best friend, Tina, and ended with a boy called James Hook who, for whatever reason, Peter decided was his "mortal enemy". Once he had enough players for his little game, Peter began whisking them away to Neverland whenever the service workers weren't around.
Eventually (though he would never admit this), Peter hit puberty and lost control of his powers, throwing the entire orphanage into Neverland, including the workers. For a while, Peter's fantasy world was able to function quite well. That is, until the fighting between Peter's Lost Boys and James Hook's pirates came to such a head that young James ended up without a hand.table by ~scissorbite

ZiltchZiltch doesn't have a real name, just a long serial number and maybe a brief blurb in a cyborg catalog.
Her model was first introduced to the market fifty-three years ago as an affordable all-purpose servant. Ziltch was purchased by a family to serve as a housekeeper and baby-sitter.
Once the children of the family had grown, Ziltch was traded in to her manufacturer for a more advanced model. She was purchased second-hand by a conman who altered her programming so that he could use her in his schemes.
When not in use for crime, Ziltch is a very innocent and absent-minded sort of robot. She is generally confused by anything that doesn't have circuitry with which she can interface.table by ~scissorbite

!!!characters, #shaynanana

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