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typeright May 12 2011, 10:00:14 UTC
( Fuck everything in her life.

She's just sitting on a bed, knees drawn up to her chest and forehead resting on them. Her left hand is encased in a cast that extends down towards her elbow.

Seriously, fuck everything. She can't talk her way out of this. )


howaverage May 12 2011, 10:10:00 UTC
[ Hello, excuse her sudden intrusion but she's going to be dashing as much as possible through the door and speeds up towards Jules. ]

Oh my God, Jules. [ Little panic-y voice, carefully grabbing her face, hands cupped under her chin to get a good look at her, wincing at that bruised lip. ] What happened? These two kids told me you were here so I came as soon as I could.


typeright May 12 2011, 10:17:28 UTC
( She tries to smile a bit at Em, although the expression is... tired, and she hisses at the tug to her lip. ) Hey. ( Her arm that's cast-free rests at Em's waist, brushes over her belly. ) They're good kids. ( And after just a couple of seconds: ) You're okay, right? There weren't any problems getting here?

( Not putting off answering the question or ignoring her hand, no no. )


howaverage May 12 2011, 10:22:35 UTC
No, no problems.

[ She doesn't ask who they are, doesn't care, doesn't even care about the fact that two kids knew about Jules and the fact that Emilia was close to her, she's just glad that she got there on time, that she was informed about Jules. ]

What happened? [ Very softly, and she's making that pained face that is so easy to read, a mix of worry, pain, and a please, please, please, don't lie to me. ]


typeright May 12 2011, 10:34:52 UTC
( It takes a few tries to master her voice. She's looking at Em, trying to work a way around it, trying to think of something to say that'll be better. Her expression is so open, though, so worried and pained that she can't but feel guilty and stupid at the thought of trying to pull together something convincing.

She sighs, and her gaze drops for a second before she brushes Em's hair back, gently cupping her cheek with her hand. ) Sit on the bed with me? Please? ( It'll be better if she's sitting, surely, and she gingerly scoots herself over to make room for Em. )

It, um. I... it was one of those stupid, stupid ( not funny, not anymore ) kissing compulsions. Do you remember? ( A tense pause. She would usually smile, here. Make a joke. ) I, um. The person...

( She pauses, and curls back over, resting her cheek on her knees, facing away from Em. Her voice drops away. ) It was Romazvhir.


howaverage May 12 2011, 10:48:01 UTC
[ Jules would hardly need that please, because Em is sitting on the bed as soon as she scoots over to give her space. She slips an arm around her waist, brushing her hair back with the other hand, her thumb softly stroking her hipbone.

First, there's a big tug at her heart, a jealous one, when she hears about the kissing compulsions. A bit hypocritical as she too was at fault, but that's all pushed aside when Jules announces who it was.

Em swallows dryly, leaning back a little, before she draws Jules to herself, laying her cheek on her back without knowing what to say. No, no, no, why does this have to happen? To Jules, out of all people? Why don't things like these happen to bad people or complete dickheads? ]

Oh, Jules. [ Her arm squeezes around her. It isn't fair. It just isn't fair. ] Come here. [ She sits up a bit and tries to pull her into a hug so she can be the fortress this time. ]


typeright May 12 2011, 10:59:10 UTC
( She's all too glad to curl against Em, cradling the cast that has all her digits aside from her thumb wrapped up. A sad little sound escapes her throat, and she presses her forehead to Em's neck. She won't start crying. And she won't shake, or whimper, or cling.

Except for how she's doing all of those things, tilting her face up to kiss Em's neck sadly before just settling against her. Her voice is very quiet, and very flat. She really didn't want to tell her, wanted to try and gloss it over and act like it was fine, but just saying it and just being able to collapse against her now is such a relief. Her uninjured hand presses against Em's belly, thumb brushing over it protectively before she leans down to kiss it - once, twice - and then she's back to resting her forehead against Em's neck. ) It's okay. I'm fine.

( Baw, so wobbly sounding. )


howaverage May 13 2011, 00:17:47 UTC
[ Her heart clenches painfully when she hears Jules cry as it always does, her arm squeezing her tighter to herself. Em brushes her hair soothingly, running her fingers at her temples to pull it away from her face.

She can't help a smile when Jules leans down to kiss her belly, feeling a sort holding a hand over it gently. She knits her eyebrows and leans to kiss her temple, her cheek, and her jaw, rubbing her back soothingly. ]

You will be. [ Em kisses her cheek again, pulling her hand away from Jules' to wipe her tears. ] I promise.


typeright May 13 2011, 07:30:13 UTC
( Everything feels all wrong and off-kilter, like there's still adrenaline buzzing around in her gut and through her limbs. It makes her hold onto Em, cuddle closer - if that were even possible - and her hand stays on Em's belly, like she can be kept safe just by contact with her.

She sniffs, and nod, then waits a little while before she tries to talk again. It's hard, processing everything. She was so scared, so convinced she wouldn't see Em again, and part of her wants to just say that while the greater part is already trying to bury it away. A few minutes skip by and she just stays close, breathing gradually slowing, calming, and her mind gradually untangling - like she'd been holding herself together better before Em arrived, and then the damn just burst. And it's true: even if she feels horrible, she's Jules, and she's been charming the nursing staff since she got to her bed with sunshine and smiles. There are no smiles now, but she relaxes a bit and breathes easy, gently kissing Em's neck again, like reassurance. She bumps Em' ( ... )


howaverage May 13 2011, 07:54:02 UTC
[ The closeness makes Em feel much better for Jules, just trying to keep her close and safe. As Jules sets her head back to her shoulder, Em places her hand on top of hers, brushing fingers against it gently. She doesn't mind the little kisses, knows full well how touchy-feely Jules is, and tilts her head to press a kiss to her nosetip. ]

All right.

[ Since Em doesn't want to pull away from Jules, she just turns a little and pulls the drawer open to take out the box, smiling a little when she sees what it is.

She scoots closer, opening the box with one hand as the other is busy around Jules. She turns her face slightly and kisses her cheek again, before pressing a kiss to her lips. ]

Do you want one?


typeright May 13 2011, 08:12:47 UTC
( She smiles just a little at the kiss, and steals another little one, light, and careful of the bruise on her lip, before resting her cheek against Em's for a second. )

If you're having one. ( And a bit of a hum. She's trying really hard to get back to her bouncy optimism. Really hard, even if it isn't the best idea. ) Maybe we should pick up some different coloured pens. So we can decorate the cast, you know? ( Hmm. ) I wonder if glitter pens would work on it.

( Denial, even just a little denial and evasion and glossing over. It's that much easier, even if she lets herself be a little more honest around Em - even if Em seems to drag that out of her sometimes. )


howaverage May 13 2011, 08:25:30 UTC
[ Em tips her head a little after a while, kissing just under the jawline, and she shifts so that her arm doesn't get its blood cut off from that position around Jules, her fingers rubbing the small of her back still. ]

All right. [ She's not particularly hungry, but she does know Jules loves her sweets, so she's picking one of the chocolates and unwrapping it, holding it for Jules. ] I'm not very good at drawing. [ She smiles and kisses her nose again, arm squeezing better around herself. ] But I'll ask the nurse for a crayon box because there's a big child in the room.

[ She's only kidding, of course, but there's an extreme fondness in her voice. She's glad Jules is a little more honest, but at the same time, she does hope she can cope with this - and she will help her - rather than going through denial like usual. ]


typeright May 13 2011, 08:41:12 UTC
( Ah. Yes, that feels nice, and she makes a quiet, content sort of sound. ) This part is nice.
( The cuddling and the kissing. It's much better than the rest of it, the lead up and the reason she's actually here. She takes the chocolate, and takes just a small bite from it, still being careful with her lip, before making an appreciative sound. ) Do you like caramel? ( Because she is offering you some of this chocolate, woman. )

One day you'll hurt my feelings, if you aren't careful. ( Oh, Em. There's just a bit of a pout, and a mock-reproachful look. ) It's just so ugly! Who wouldn't want to make it prettier?
( The tug of her mouth is still a bit subdued, just because it hurts, but the pout does slide to a smile pretty quickly. ) How was your day? ( And a bit of a hurried amendment: ) Other than this part.


howaverage May 13 2011, 08:52:59 UTC
[ Em smiles slightly and brushes some hair away from Jules forehead carefully. She leans back a little and then shifts so she's half laying, half sitting on her side next to Jules. She takes a bite out of the chocolate offered to her. ]

Made of glass, are you? [ Her smile is soft because she still can't be too happy with Jules like that and slips her hand under the hospital robe she's wearing, through the big gap between the buttons, just wanting to touch her skin a little better. ] I didn't mean to offend you, your majesty. [ She smiles softly and kisses her neck before laying her head neck to Jules. ]

It was fine. [ There's a little twinkle in her eyes, though, because previous to the twins, she had been in the hospital already, since the place-hopping doesn't stop, and had used that opportunity to get herself a check-up. She knows she's having twins, though she opted not to know the gender ( ... )


typeright May 13 2011, 09:03:21 UTC
( Good! That makes her happy, and then she finishes off the rest of the chocolate herself, sucking some stubborn caramel off the pad of her thumb. She's still doing that when Em asks her question, and her eyebrows raise a bit. ) Obviously. ( She scoots too, mimicking Em's posture. ) But maybe I can forgive you, because you're such a loyal courtier. ( A thoughtful face. Thoughtful and thinking and humming as she considers it. ) Maybe. ( Of course, the kissing to the neck helps considerably with such things.

And sure, they're in a room, but it's still a room in a hospital, and when she remembers that, and that hospitals are public places even if you are in a separate room, she smiles. ) I feel fine. Much better. Chocolate releases endorphins, you know? It's excellent. Wonderful, really.

( But she saw that twinkle and is intrigued. Finally, she indulges: ) What aren't you telling me?


howaverage May 13 2011, 09:11:12 UTC
[ There are times that Em has to make an effort to subdue her thoughts about public displays, because right now, she knows Jules needs this and she's putting her needs in front of her own. Em can be a lovely person like that to the people she likes, she just doesn't show it much. ]

Mmm. [ She smiles slightly, fully aware of the chocolate properties, but she knows Jules is overreacting - as usual. Em presses her fingers against her back a bit better, half-massaging her muscles, before she looks up at Jules, and then back down as if trying to hide a smile. ]

Oh, well. [ She's scooting closer and leaning her head back up, kissing Jules' lips, mindful of the bruise, before taking her hand and putting it back on her stomach.

And then, very, very lowly, in a whisper, like she only wants to share it with Jules: ] They're twins.


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