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teagan. tricklesdown May 10 2011, 19:19:23 UTC
[ SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD blah blah minor etc ]


bewhat May 10 2011, 19:49:26 UTC

A very awkward and chaste kiss on the lips is go. He closes his eyes and everything.]


tricklesdown May 10 2011, 20:00:45 UTC
[ Though Teagan isn't exactly the most experienced girl in the world, she kisses back with a little more confidence! Can't say no to such a cute little kiss. There is the slightest hint of an amused smile on her lips, and she rests a light hand on his chest. ]


bewhat May 10 2011, 20:04:20 UTC
[He gives it a little sigh when he feels her hand, finally moving away to slowly open his eyes, looking like he just woke up from a daze.

And how.]

Oh--[Did he really just kiss a girl he met once?] I'm sorry!


tricklesdown May 10 2011, 20:24:58 UTC
[ Only slightly shameless and perhaps strangely affectionate when she isn't suffering from the anger of the monster, Teagan is vaguely sad when the kiss ends, but when she opens her eyes and she hears him speak, her face is flooded with mellow amusement. Her eyebrows shoot up and she can't help but laugh - in a perfectly amiable way. ]

[ Teasingly, with a slightly exaggerated wink: ] I'm not. [ ldmksdfdf she quietly giggles again ] Keep your hair on, tiger, you're nicer than most boys I meet.


bewhat May 10 2011, 20:41:13 UTC
[Everything about her only seems to make him seem more self-conscious about the whole situation. He lowers his head and scratches it uncomfortably.]

Thanks. [absfhsbga.] I think.


tricklesdown May 10 2011, 20:59:31 UTC
[ Teagan's expression softens a touch, and she reaches out to touch Jeremy's arm, kindly and reassuringly. ]

Seriously, though, don't worry about it. It's a kiss, it's not like you just sold me your soul. Or vice versa. [ This is a slightly inappropriate joke to make given THE GENERAL SITUATION OF HER WORLD but hey. ] I'm assuming you don't usually go about kissing near strangers, though.


bewhat May 11 2011, 10:59:03 UTC
I-I really don't, I promise. [He probably has kissed like... one girl before this. Wah.] I didn't even realize what I was doing, it felt like... [scratching his head again.] It's silly. Anyway, I really am sorry.

[But at least she isn't mad.]


tricklesdown May 11 2011, 17:46:23 UTC

Stop apologising! [ Prods him gently in the arm, laughing lightly ] It's just a kiss. Say it over and over in your head - or aloud, whatever floats your boat - until it sinks right in.

[ She smiles, wryly, shrugging. ] Anyway, I feel a bit sorry for you, because to be honest, you haven't been saddled with the most attractive face to spontaneously kiss. [ She waves a hand at her scars, though her tone is amused rather than derogatory. ]


bewhat May 11 2011, 19:33:39 UTC
[Gosh, just when he was about to relax -- now he feels guilty and self-conscious about even noticing them.]

There's nothing wrong with your face.

[Now he just feels lame.]


tricklesdown May 11 2011, 20:02:54 UTC
[ Teagan smiles at him somewhat vaguely, as if she doesn't really believe him. ]

Thanks. [ She rubs her temple, glancing down at her feet, not quite embarrassed, but feeling a little guilty. ] I haven't really been helping the whole situation, have I? Not everyone shares my decidedly chilled approach to just about everything - so now it's my turn. [ Her eyes drift back upwards, apologetic. ] Sorry.


bewhat May 12 2011, 12:02:54 UTC
No, don't... [He looks like he realized he doesn't know what to say! Oh, Jeremy, why so useless.] It's alright. Please don't feel bad.


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