Feb 03, 2007 23:14
we went bowling.
I won by 16 points.
but they where all do to Ronnie *snickers*
we use 'rudders' not bumpers
and steal free pinball plays and domino sugar packs.
we wave to strangers, and sing red red wine in her mother's car.
I slow dance with my sara in her basement
to aerosmith.
where she randomly breaks into
heartfelt exageration of the lyrics
and then goes back to my shoulder.
she asks to be my valentine.
i say 'but of course.
but i already asked.'
'stfu. don't ruin this moment
that i've already ruined.'
&now she sits over there
doing honors geometry homework.
I sing rent.
and she talks nonsence about something p'something.
Algebra 1a vs. Honors geometry.
find the dumbass.
'one day we are going to dip gummy bears in vodka.'
'hey sara. you wanna know how much of a dumbass i am?'
'yeah sure'
'i spelt dumbass wrong'
'you dumbass.'
i'm not too sure what it means to be alive.
but i really think we come as close as we can.
between every friday/or saturday night.
and the next morning-
we're as close to bliss as we've ever been.
and we can't pinpoint why.
i sound mushy.
but no guy can ever replace either of us.
she's my tiny dancer.
my grassamahcallit.
and everything i am not.
my better, optomistic half.
she completess me.
not so much my family. or my boyfriend.
it's my sara that i'm going to get a beach house with.
load that fridge up with diet coke and munster.
living off ramen and salads.
it's not too unordinary to have -
a traslater/novalist and a psyciatrist
both girls. with a coup'l hundred cats.
there will be guys,
that is true.
but nothing- can tear apart
from her bethroo.