Jul 31, 2004 02:17

Well.. i have sorted through the past 3 days.. and these are the best...

my feet *mafia pool time!*

That is Bigz.. she is a crowd.

SEX! Go Eagle Eye.

and a little Sugar-less for you...

Suprises from Jonathon.. hey- they were free right? Who cares what is IN them..

*AHEM* Zest-fully clean! (no specific order here people)

The Blaine Effect.



The Village was terribly scary- right Tiny?

YEah- thanks MEEV and TINY- I accept your offer...

*gasp!* It's Wednesday from the Addam's FAmily!

"Who loves Eddie!?!?" Bigz does.

Can't a person pee in peace? c'mon people!

DId i mention the best waiter ever?? YAY for Fuzzy!!

So thanks for the bestest weekend ever- I have a hunch it WILL happen soon-

So yeah- MY BROTHER COMES BACK TOMORROW!!! i am excited!!! 10 pm.. i will see you all online- if you are bored- call..

and damnit-

Love. Because we are running out of time people.

Ange (The Godfather)
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