Groan *Rabble Rabble*

Nov 06, 2007 14:18

So, I've been in a major funk lately, I feel a little better.

I'm in a lj community where people post pictures of their outfits then everyone else comments on it. Now, I'm a member because I like to see what people with style like to wear, but I'm always aware that style is an individual thing and what is awesome to one is not to the other. Of course the group is overrun with emo/scene kids so it's mostly biased against anyone who doesn't dress that way. With all that in mind, I would never post a picture of myself wearing the stuff I wear on there, I'd be torn to shreds. What I don't get is why other people would want to be criticized like that. I just don't get it.

On a more serious note, a 1L died today after being hit by a car while she was on a morning run. The car had a green light and she was in the crosswalk, so the driver isn't being charged, but I'm left wondering, why didn't he see her, why didn't he slow down, was he going so fast he couldn't slow down in time? The incident is incredibly sad (I wasn't too fond of the girl, hate to say it -, but I feel really bad for her family) and I am really fucking sick of how people drive in Gainesville. This is like the 5th accident like this just this year. My roommate and I were almost hit by a car yesterday, some asshole in a BMW just blind turned into our street speeding. I was crossing the street to get the mail, if I had left my house a few seconds earlier I totally would have been hit. That sort of thing sickens me. Stop driving like roads are just for cars, be more attentive, don't drive drunk. BE A HUMAN and be more concerned with the consequences of your careless actions.

Now that I've confronted negative self image and my human mortality (I may expand on this later), nail polish.

"For Audrey" surprised me. I think China Glaze might actually be a better quality polish than OPI. It didn't chip at all and I didn't do multiple gloss coats like I usually do with OPI. The color is a little loud, but it cool.

I'm now wearing "Midnight in Moscow" by OPI. I'm a little annoyed because it chipped and I just put it on on Sunday.

And Movies -

30 Days of Night - Really disappointing, my boy Josh being in it didn't salvage it at all.

American Gangster - Too long, boring, didn't care about the characters.

Elizabeth 2 - disappointing, not as good as the first one, pretty historically inaccurate.

I cannot possibly express how excited I am for Will Smith's I Am Legend. :O

EDIT: Ah according to the news the girl crossing the street was totally at fault.
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