ahhh life

Jul 18, 2004 04:43

ok so... i decided to get out of the house today. We decided to go roller skating. So, of course... I lock my keys in my trunk. Everyone had a gay old time making fun of me... it was all good fun : )... now I'm 25 bucks in the hole. So we ended up at a coffee shop playing "Sorry". I won all the games... but I let them think that they won... u know I didn't want to make them feel bad ; ). I watched a bunch of anime today. I finished King of Bandit Jing... uber angsty end... very very good. I saw Kaleido Star... not to impressed but I'll keep watching anyway. I enjoyed I, Robot. I really liked Sonny. I just wanted to like hug it and stuff. I cried and what not. ::sniffle:: Dang it... why do they make robots so freaking cute. :\ Will Smith was nice to... this movie was complete with un-needed shower scenes and muscle shots... ala Troy. It's becoming a trend to sexualize men... A+ Hollywood... come on male actors... lets see you work them thighs. Oh how sweet it is when tables turn. There was a bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about but it's late and I am tired so I go.

and to Maria and Nina:

I plan to retry skating one more time... if it doesn't work that time I say we get drunk and play Risk. I'll own all your asses... that's right I said it. XD

oh and Nina... I read ur little comment in ur LJ about you being the "sorry" master... more like "sorry" ass cheater... BRING IT! : )

Actually now I have the overwhelming urge to buy Scattegories... hmmm...
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