(no subject)

Jul 11, 2004 18:31

Does anyone have any really cool semi-goth pictures of women...ala my bettie icon? If you do I'd like to see em...

The Cat:
The cat ran away today into the jungle pit on the other side of the fence. I had so much homework I decided to just let it run for a bit and go catch it later. Then it started to pour... :\ i thought for sure it would have ran back home but it didn't. It was out in the rain for like 30 minutes... finally when the rain stopped she came back. She's not the brightest cat.

The Anime:
I finally finished Kimagure Orange Road. The last two episodes and the movie were awesome. It really redeemed the series for me. I couldn't believe the movie though... to get instantaneously so serious when the whole series was so silly. It was refreshing. The second movie's file doesn't work so I ordered it from Greencine. As far as anime goes i feel accomplished. I've let other stuff get in the way of my anime viewing... and for some reason I just had this urge to watch anime this weekend. I'm back on the anime ball so to speak so I'm happy. I'm about half way through Midori No Hibi. It’s got to be one of the funniest animes I've seen in a long time. I don't think I've laughed that hard at an anime ever. As far as GreenCine goes I'm waiting on... Kino's Journey Volume 4, Twelve Kingdoms Volume 6... Then I'm waiting on the rest of Yu Yu Hakusho around volume 22, and the rest of Ruroni Kenshin around volume 6, King of Bandit Jing Volume 4, and the rest of season 7 of Ranma... I'm like on disk 4 or something. Since I'm almost does with some of those I've started to line up the new stuff that I plan to watch. Kiddy Grade, Kaleido star, Magic User's Club, are some of the ones I put in there. : ) I feel like my life has meaning again.

Strange Dreams:
I've been having all these weird dreams that Max is cheating on me. Last night I woke up from one of these dreams where I had reacted to the girl he was cheating on me with in a particularly violent manner involving a baseball bat. It was like 4 in the morning... so I called him... and he was like "What the fuck are you talking about I'm sleeping..." LOL. I apologized and said I figured he would have been out since it was a Saturday and all... but I guess not.

I actually miss Miami, Max, and my family... I want to go home for a little bit. It sucks cause in October my parents are moving to Broward. But that might be nice, because they are moving to a much bigger house in like a little community and they have a huge ass pool. So… sun + books + pool + little brother = : ) the only thing that sucks is that it so far away from Miami I won’t get to see any friends unless I make the drive… and I also don’t know about anything up there so it’s not like I can go anywhere. Miami is the greatest city in the world. : ( I’ll miss her. The one plus is that the huge as anime store is in Broward.

And Finally Canadians (aww hell let's trash the French while we're at it):
I would like to apologize before hand to anyone who is Canadian (If your French… sorry, you get no apologies) on my friend's list and I just don't know about it..... but Fuck a bitch named Canada and France. There's a thread on the forum talking about how some extremely large number of Canadian teens view the US as evil. Fuck that. I say we put a fence around Canada. What are they going to do about it? They don't even have an army. Assholes. You know what fuck France to... notice how all these bitch ass wussie countries get all high and mighty until we have to bail them out... We're learning about the French Colonialists in Vietnam in history class... How the fuck are you going to let ur bitch ass country get run over in less than 3 weeks by Germans... only to have the US bail ur fuck ass out... then not even a year after the resolution of the conflict (which came no thanks to ur worthless country) you go back to building ur weak bitch ass empire. How the fuck can u have an Empire... if you can't even protect the mother land. Assholes. and now... not even 40 years later they are shit talking us about Iraq... not that I'm for Iraq because I'm not... I just think that once ur country has been ass raped by every other country EVER that you don’t get to have an opinion about anything. So in other words... Shut the fuck up France and Canada.
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