Oct 07, 2007 09:40
A few days ago I was struck by a very powerful feeling of transition. I never really thought of transitional as being a feeling before, but it very much is. I'm not really a kid anymore, I'm twenty years old (which I have trouble remembering and believing). I'm not really an adult either. Sure, I'm mature, I've got jobs, money, a place to live, and all that, but I don't have any of what I perceive to be my "adult life." In my adult life, I own a home, and I have a full-time job that I go to Monday-Friday, and I take weekends off(!), I'm married and will have kids. I took the CBEST yesterday (which is the test you have to take to qualify to be a Subsitute teacher in the state of California, it's also a requisite test for entry into most credential programs). That's a pretty major transitional step. I'm starting to apply to colleges- transition. I'm feeling pretty bogged down with all this preparation for "real life." I have 3 or 4 more years before I can really get my "adult job." I'm impatient. Maybe I just need to get back into a classroom. I get my unofficial score from the CBEST on the 22nd, so I'll know for sure if I can apply to be a sub around here (I'm pretty sure I passed with flying colors).
Back to studying for Botany. Yay Algae.