keywords to be used

Jun 12, 2007 16:30

find a toy that's safer than the atom - max length

save a life for a child
nothing really matters to me (la la la la la la la)
what mama saw was against the law
girl I must warn you (I see something strange in my mind)
that girl is poison (if I were you I'd take precautions)
that low cut ho should be cut like an afro
i love the way you want me to (this is a time I can't refuse)
just you and me (pornography)
every day we're not promising
time is your restaurant (and I'm your matre d)
you ain't never had a friend like me
oh darling I've been so wrong
and that's what you get (for falling in love again)
c'mon c'mon c'mon (I can get us out of here tonight)
The flowers by your bed are wilting. The sun is setting in the west.
he'll creep in like the mist (to touch your forehead with a kiss)
head is on fire (but it's better then being lonely)
how many other fools like me (have lost their lives contractually)
heir transparent to a dynasty
king of all I survey (beware my son it could be yours one day)
shadowed by a doubt (I dubious)
i find it kinda funny (i find it kind of sad)
enlarge your world
You should've never trusted Hollywood
I was standing on the wall feeling ten feet tall
All you maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica Blvd.
hell--if music is the victim then so am I
though you weren't there you remind me of those hands.
da pacem Domine in diebus notris (grant peace, O lord in our time)
Kyire eleison; Christe elison. (Christ have mercy; God have mercy)
how happy is the one (whose heart's ear hears that special voice)
as they begin to arrive (your teardrops are healers)
a polluted ear can never hear the sound (as it begins to arrive)
don't rush to finish your poem (the finisher of the poem: the creator of the world is coming)
O vos omens qui transitis per viam (O all ye that pass by)
V'hu levasdo eloheynu haya hove v'yhey. (and that he alone is our God, and who was, is and will be. Torah: 13 principles of faith)
hu rishon v'hu acharon (He is the first and He is the last)
O salutaris hostia quae caeli pandas oustium
(oh victim and salvation that opens wide the gates of Heaven)
bella premunt hostilia: da roubur--fer auxilium (we are oppressed by savage wars: give us your strength, give us your aid)
bad boy drone home (go tell your mother we don't want to)
we gotta make them hear us (in East Ryjetavik)
Quelle heure est-il au paradis?
Il y a toujours des problemes?
Fallait pas se rencontrer et puis tomber amoureux
You had plenty money 1922 (but you let other women make a fool of you)
but then the lampshade smiled at me(it said belive, it said believe)
in restless dreams i walk alone
La lune est libre, bien plus libre qu'on ne le croit,
but everything that rises must someday take a fall
Changeante, fascinante, parfois meme eblouissante. Transitoire, unique, symbolique de quelques visions imaginaires
Elle en impressionne plus d'un qui prennent peur et delirent.
promise me you'll stay and fix these things I've heard (make it go away)
i watch it lift up to the sky (I wach it crush me and then I die)
every single night and day (I searched for you)
sleeping on the sidewalk with a burger king crown
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