giving thanks and giving a shit

Oct 11, 2007 20:48

so thanksgiving weekend was a couple of days ago. obviously. and my brother has reached new heights (or lows) of assholism.  namely, he didn't come. my mother made turkey, yams, mashed potatoes (well, i did the mashing) veggies and pie. pie too, for fuck's sake. and The Boy cancelled the day before. said he had "other plans". of course those other plans didn't extend to dinner at my dad's on monday. nope, he seemed to have some urgent plans on sunday evening that prevented him from seeing his family (for only the second time since he moved out) on thanksgiving.
so, in conclusion, my brother doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.
who's surprised? hands up?? anyone??? ANYONE??............thought as much.
so my mom ate almost nothing, i felt guilty about eating (moreso than usual) and on monday i listened to my brother tell my dad all about the concert he went to on sunday. whoopee.
fuck fuck fuck him.
feel free to send letter bombs to his new place of residence as soon as i get the exact address.
fucking fucker.
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