
Dec 09, 2013 07:38

This weekend I discovered a festival.  The kind of festival that reminds me of why I like festival's so much.

300 or so people, what seemed like more children than adults, workshops, great music, amplified music turned off at midnight, and people oh the people.

There is something magical about going to a festival that you don't know a single person - a very rare occurance for me.  It pushes me out of my comfort zone and helps me meet new people.  The people I met this weekend were delightful.  Luke, a guy who studied dance for 4 years and is now training to be a teacher.  Em, an office worker with amazing craft and art skills. Aden, a .... who never ceases to be delighted by everything.  Nick, a farmer with long dark curly hair and crazy dance energy.  I ended up camping with these guys and just wow.

I tend to be a lone ranger at festivals.  I camp alone, I wonder alone.  However looking back I realise that the best festivals I have been to are the ones where I have a crew.  The first kiwiburn when I was with tequila for breakfast, the rainbow gathering with Bruce and Erin, doofs with the feral truck crew.  These are the ones I look back on fondly.  To find an aussie crew is a very good feeling.

These guys are dancers, they are there to dance, just like me.  Tehehehehe oh so much fun was had.  Luke did a dance workshop with cards for movement suggestions,  one from each box - stiffen bottom, pop hands, grind feet - ahahaha.  Em did a conscious mandala workshop,  a challenge for me in letting go of my perfectionism.  I made a dream catcher with objects from the natural environment.  I went to the biggest bullshit guided meditation healing thing.  I know what you're all thinking - hippie - but you know what? that's me and I love it.

I just had so much fun and am really looking forward to hanging out with everyone again - good thing I'm a 5 min bike ride from Em, Luke and Eden :)

There is also Seed theme camp ideas forming - watch out for Shiny Camp.  Dancing dancing dancing, worshop, dancing. Mwahahaha.

This girl has the happies.
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