Warning: This is about NEXT WEEK'S VM episode and it contains SPOILERS I noticed when I freeze-framed the scenes for next week's episode!
First shot: Duncan up close and personal with Kendall looking like they're about to kiss.
Second shot: Weevil. Logan's fist coming in contact with Weevil's face. Weevil barreling into Logan, slamming him into a wall (looks like a bathroom to me, and the look on Logan's face when it happens? Is gonna inspire a LOT of slash fic).
Third shot: A black stiletto heel poking into the eye socket of a skull.
Fourth shot: Veronica in the foreground, talking to someone, and Duncan in the background, HOLDING A BABY!!
I just had to share that. A BABY?????? Whose BABY?? I have a theory.... :D
Two separate endings??? I love RT! I'm just....so shocked and intrigued. :D
I don't want to be spoiled for next week's episode. I was just wanted to post and share what I saw. I'm just..SO FRICKIN' EXCITED FOR NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE!!!
And this week's episode was AWESOME too. I'll post more later. :D