(no subject)

Nov 09, 2005 23:35

So since I missed out on watching tonite's VM live, I'm gonna do a "I'm watching it right this second"-type post since I can pause and rewind at whatnot. :D

hehehe. I love that line. I've already made it my current AIM away message. WOOHOO! Dick is back! WOOHOOO!!! :D I think naughty things about Dick, if you must know. heh.
Although it does irk me that the new chick looks so much like Paris Hilton (Saddest news headline I read all day: "Paris Hilton Only Suffered Minor Injuries in Car Crash").

Is it just me or doesn't Logan look ESPECIALLY fuckin' HOT? It's not just me. I love the jacket!

Now comes the screaming:
(That was me at the 10 minute mark)

Poor Logan. Great speech though! (Also, how HOT does he look? It's like he's on FIRE! :D)

hehehe. Of COURSE Cliff is Logan's lawyer. The fic is just writing itself people! :D

Awww, poor Logan. On my good isn't the whole conjugal visit
OHMYFUCKINGGOD! AARON ECHOLLS. That's just...even knowing...Damn. They got me. They cut me off mid-snark. RT owns me.

*ahem* I was saying...isn't that whole Logan/Lamb/congugal visit thing just STRAIGHT outta the whole bondage fic by mutinousmuse? That's just so...dirty and awesome! :D
(That was me at the 20 minute mark)

Aaron Fucking Echolls. What a guy, yeah, I'm sure we got it all wrong. I'm so glad that Logan stood up for himself and didn't buy any of the crap that Aaron was selling. (Although, I gotta admit, I like Harry Hamlin's new look. Understated works for him.)

"So, Chip, how 'bout you thank me by taking the Ol' Block's advice - Get a new lawyer."
Chip! I'm totally gonna call him Chip for the rest of the recap.

"What are you the head of again?" hehehehe. That's my girl. I'm so glad she's back. :D

Ohhh...Weevil. Hiya Weevil! Bya Weevil! That was fast.

Dick is taller than Duncan? Hmm...They've definitely given Dick a better wardrobe this year.

AWWWW. Poor Logan. He gets arrested. NO ONE tries to help him (except Cliff and Aaron, what a dream team), and no one comes to visit him while he's in jail, he has to spend "quality" time with Aaron, AND his house is burned down. Damn. I...poor...*sigh* C'mon Logan baby, I'll take goooood care of you. :D
(That was me at the 31 minute mark)

JOSS WHEDON! JOSS WHEDON! I love him. He's so TV baby. Acting-wise? I give him a 6. But he's not an actor, he's a TV GOD PEOPLE! He looks so well rested now that he doesn't have 3 TV shows on at once. Those were the crazy-good old days. Make a new show Joss! I miss you!

Kim! Hey Kim. I didn't know you won the challenge! Congrats babe! She looks so androgynous and super cute. The acting was not bad. But she looked so cute that I was/am a bit distracted.

hehe. They called Joss a jack-ass. hehe.
Carmen SanDiego? hehe.

Hey Keith? Yeah, you're an idiot. You blew the election on the slimmest of chances: That fucking LAMB would do the right thing. He's pretty, not capable. *sigh* At least now I see where V gets her bad ideas from.

ARGGHHHHH! What was a JUST talking about? Bad ideas! Damn V, could you maybe not be connected to death and/or murder for ONE frickin' episode! And seriously, you KNOW Weidman is a bad, BAD, BAAAD man. I'd slap her if she were a real person. Right up side the head.

However, the whole Amelia storyline JUST. GOT. INTERESTING!
(That was me at the 45 minute mark)

Don't trust him V!

Keith and Aaron. I've been waiting all summer for this little get together.
But I think Keith is showing his hand a bit early. But he got a real nice one in at the end. :D

hehe. Weidman sure has his own way of playing 20 questions. Harvard? Cheerleading Tryout results? hehehehe.

Lovely ankle bracelet you're wearing, dear. But the Martha joke was lame and out-dated.
I would totally watch that wacky sitcom! They should call it...um...I'm lacking creativity...What would be some great names for the Weevil and Logan (plus Weevil's WHOLE family) sitcom? I know the brilliant minds are out there!).

Where's VP Clemmons?

I'm surprised she's helping Abel. That doesn't seem like a very V thing to do. But I'm sure he's gonna find out the truth.

I knew who that was. I could tell by the arms. Those AREN'T Donut arms. hehehe.
"Sorry I didn't tell ya?" Donut's a much bigger ass than Logan.
At least Logan got feel up V a bit. That's gotta improve his week a little. :D

Keith has got no one to blame but himself.

Next Week's Episode looks AWESOME!

And now I'm done watching. Man, a lot happened in this episode. But I think it could have been better. Don't get me wrong, but I'm sort of sick of all the guest stars. And I'm sick of the constant feeling of "Awww Logan" because his life just keeps on getting shittier. Plus, I felt like the whole Amelia story dragged down the whole episode and I don't know what it has to do with the over-arcing storyline of this season. And as a stand-alone storyline it just felt like we were treading water. Not moving forward or backward..just waiting for something new and exciting to happen.

I'm bummed that we'll probably never see Big Dick or Kendall again. I'm annoyed that they can't figure out how to write Dick consistently. I miss Beaver. Dick needs Beaver to attain balance. (teehee. Yeah, I'm 10.) It felt almost like a waste to bring Aaron back for this episode. Not enough happened. Not enough was done. Where were the tears and the yelling? I don't trust Weidman and I don't think V should either. Although there were some funny scenes with those two.

I just felt like a lot of time was wasted this episode. Precious time. My time! It's my own fault, I guess...before I saw the episode both queen_haq and shizam23 told me how awesome it was and that set me up for disappointment. Because I just expected too much. It was a really great episode tho'. I really liked it! You can tell by my in-the-moment comments. :D

Hmmm... I definitely have some pondering to do. So tired. So sick. Must sleep. Read LJ tomorrow.

new episode, vm, vm thoughts

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