Life, memes, peeps, and like other things I just won't list here.

Aug 27, 2005 13:54

So, in Life News:
John and I found an apartment!!!!!! We're both SO relieved. We signed the lease today! It's a small apartment, but it's a nice neighborhood and we like it. It's got a dishwasher, and hardwood floors. Oh, hell, here's a link to info and pics and stuff:

EDA: I took out the link. It was totally fucking up my friends page and, I think, my Flister's Friends pages. Which sucks. I had NO IDEA it would do that. That's what I get for posting before heading to bed. Sorry everyone! If you want the link to see the apartment just post and I'll send it back or catch me on AIM, my SN is: FourLetters79.

Yeah that's a crazy huge link. Nothing I can do about that. We got the 1 bedroom, and our kitchen looks different. But that at least gives y'all an idea! We move in on Wednesday. Which means we should be packing, but it's so nasty and rainy and we both need some down time, so he's watching The Simpsons and I'm posting and AIM chatting. :D

1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll pick a color/flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8) If I do this for you, you must post this on your blog. You MUST. It is written.

The lovely Angelina-obsessed-Mindtriplet queen_haq did this one for me, and now it's my turn to share the love! :D

Ganked from jingamoffin (Look at you sweetie! Now I'm stealing meme's from YOU!) this fun looking meme:
First, write down the names of 12 characters. Then read and answer the questions. You can't look at the questions (or click on the cut) until you write down the 12 characters you're going to use.
1. Spike
2. Logan Echolls
3. Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie's character in Mr.&Mrs. Smith
4. Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds' character in Blade:Trinity)
5. Joan Girardi
6. Veronica Mars
7. Christian Troy
8. Faith
9. Fox Mulder
10.Jake Foley(from the much missed Jake 2.0)
11.Robert Lewis (Ewan McGregor's character from "A Life Less Ordinary"_
12.Harry Winslow (Ethan Embry's (aka Ethan Randall) character in "A Far Off Place")

Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
No I haven't. But that could be interesting. Although perhaps Robert is WAY to sappy for V. But I'd totally read it. I think it'd be an adventure.

Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
OH MY GOD YES! Ryan Reynolds got SO ripped for that part that I drooled all over that movie! So hot that he makes molten lava feel like ice!

What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Hahhahahhahaha. That's just hilarious to think about! I guess that Faith wouldn't want the kid, and Harry wouldn't want the kid either at first...but then he'd fall in love with the idea of a kid and ask Faith for full custody. Then he'd move to Africa. :D

Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine?
I have actually never read any fic about Mulder. Shocking, I know! But I know for a fact that there's MORE than enough out there to choose from. I can, however, rec Bree Sharp's song "David Duchovny" because it totally rocks!

Would Two and Six make a good couple?
That's just the coolest thing ever! Bwahahahaha.
I think that Veronica and Logan would make the BEST. COUPLE. EVER!
This meme just got 100 times cooler.

Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?
Oh definitely Joan/Jake...because Joan/Fox? Way too weird for me. Though I'm sure Fox Mulder would be FASCINATED with Joan's ability to both see God and talk to him...hmm.. I think I'm gonna have to change my vote to Joan/Fox. Weird.

What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Oh my! That's a deliciously naughty thought! If Christian walked in on Logan and Harry having sex, he'd probably just either a)watch or b)join in. Christian is beyond slutty so either answer is possible. Now I'd love to read some very dirty Christian/Logan/Harry fic. :D

Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
Not my area of expertise, but here goes nothing:
Young Jake Foley's work with the NSA had gotten him into sticky situations before, but nothing had prepared him for Mrs. Jane Smith. She was the physical embodiment of sex and sexuality and sensuality and he didn't know how to handle her.
Mrs. Smith needed something from Jake. She needed answers. She needed a name. She had a job to do and if part of that job's description included the Seduction of Jake Foley, then so be it.

Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
Yes! And I've read it. :D There is actually some nice Spike/Faith fluff...I think the best stuff could have come about after Faith returned to town for the Final Showdown with First. Well, if Spike had gotten his balls back as a gift with purchase when he got his soul. But since that didn't happen, Spike was WAY too Buffy-whipped for things to be fluffy. But that's my ideal fluff situation.

Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.
A Scalpel in the Desert.

What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
LMAO! Well, since they're both Vampires, sort of, I'm not really sure how to go about it. I would have to set it in AU because for Hannibal to be "old" enough to deflower Spike, he'd have to get to him before Dru did.

Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised. A LOT of my flisters love slash fic. And I'm SURE there's some great Christian Troy slash fic out there. :D

Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
I don't know...but we all saw how HOT Mr&Mrs Smith were together and I'm sure it's inspired some amazingly hot het fic. And there are plenty of people on my flist who think Mrs. Smith is beyond hot.

Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Not that I know of. But it would be cool to read.

Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Heh. Maybe the lovely and talented _elektra?

What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?

If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
"Criminal" by Fiona Apple. The lyrics to that song just SCREAM Faith to me.

If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
hehehe. Um...Slash, Corruption of Minors, Necrophilia, S&M...I'm sure there's more, but that's good for now. :D Afterall, we do know that Spike likes them both young AND blonde. And they're both that.

What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten?
"So I hear you're the Ultimate Human Upgrade, does that mean that you bend in extra special ways?" Ahh, Logan. That boy has a one track mind.

When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
I have actually never read a fic about Joan or the JoA universe. I totally should though!

*Whew* This post took forever to write! But it was a lot of fun, and that last meme will having me laughing my ass of for days and pondering new and exciting ideas! :D

peeps, funny, apartments, meme

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