(no subject)

May 28, 2007 14:16

Two of three finals done!! Anyone want to take the Constitution portion??

Part II: Constitution (1 point each)
51. The First Amendment protects
A. Freedom of speech B. Freedom of the press
C. Freedom of the press D. All of the above

52. The First Amendment also protects
A. The right to assemble B. The right to bear arms C. Right to a speedy trial D. Outlaws poll tax

53. The Second Amendment gives you
A. Freedom of speech B. Right to bear arms
C. From cruel & unusual punishment D. Right to a jury of your peers

54. The Third Amendment says
A. You do not have to quarter troops during peace time
B. You do not have to quarter troops during war
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

54. The Fourth Amendment says
A. Police need a warrant to search your belongings
B. You can't be subject to "cruel & unusual punishment"
C. Slavery is abolished
D. Women have the right to vote

55. The Fifth Amendment says
A. Grand juries accuse people of serious crimes
B. You can't be forced to give evidence against yourself
C. Protects from double jeopardy
D. All of the above

56. The Sixth Amendment
A. The government cannot force you to quarter troops in peacetime
B. You have to be told what you are accused of
C. If you are born in the U.S., you are a U.S. citizen
D. President cannot serve more than two terms

57. According to the Sixth Amendment, you also have the right
A. To question your accusor
B. Speedy & public trial
C. To a lawyer
D. All of the above

58. The Seventh Amendment
A. Foreigners can't sue specific states
B. If the value of a case is more than $20, you have the right to a jury
C. Protects from cruel & unusual punishment
D. You have rights not listed in the Constitution

59. The Eighth Amendment
A. You have rights not listed in the Constitution
B. The President and Vice-President are voted for seperately
C. Jus soli
D. Protects from cruel & unusual punishment

60. The Ninth Amendment
A. The President and Vice-President are voted for seperately
B. You can't be denied the right to vote based on race
C. Prohibition of alcohol
D. You have rights not listed in the Constitution

61. The Tenth Amendment
A. You can't be denied the right to vote based on race
B. President starts his term on January 20
C. Saves powers for states and people
D. If the President dies or resigns, the Vice-President takes office

62. The Bill of Rights is made up of
A. All 27 Amendments
B. The first 10 Amendments
C. The first 15 Amendments
D. The first 20 Amendments

63. The Eleventh Amendment
A. You have rights not listed in the Constitution
B. Foreigners can't sue specific states
C. Women are given the right to vote
D. Congress needs to be reelected before any pay increase goes into effect

64. The Twelfth Amendment
A. Right to bear arms
B. President and Vice-President must be voted on seperately
C. Repeals Prohibitoin
D. Says what to do if the president dies or resigns

65. The Thirteenth Amendment
A. Ends slavery
B. Senators are elected directly by the people, not appointed
C. Prohibition
D. Women are allowed to vote

66. The Fourteenth Amendment says
A. If your parents are U.S. citizens, you are a U.S. citizen
B. If you are born in the U.S., you are a U.S. citizen
C. States cannot discriminate against citizens
D. All of the above

67. The Fifteenth Amendment
A. States can't deny someone the right to vote based on race
B. Senators are elected directly by the people, not appointed
C. Women are given the right to vote
D. The President cannot serve more than two terms

68. The Sixteenth Amendment
A. The President cannot serve more than two terms
B. Says what to do if the President dies or resigns
C. Congress may collect an income tax
D. Women are given the right to vote

69. The Seventeenth Amendment
A. Says what to do if the President dies or resigns
B. You cannot be forced to quarter troops during peace time
C. Senators are elected directly by the people, not appointed
D. Repeals Prohibition

70. The Eighteenth Amendment
A. Is the only amendment to be repealed
B. Bans the sale of alochol
C. Is called Prohibition
D. All of the above

71. The Nineteenth Amendment
A. Gives women the right to vote
B. Says what to do if the President dies or resigns
C. Police must have a warrant to search your belongings
D. Foreigners cannot sue a specific states

72. The Twentieth Amendment
A. President starts his term on October 20
B. President starts his term on November 20
C. President starts his term on December 20
D. President starts his term on January 20

73. The Twenty-First Amendment
A. Says what to do if the President dies or resigns
B. Repeals Prohibition
C. You cannot be forced to quarter troops during peacetime
D. President and Vice-President must be voted on seperately

74. The Twenty-Second Amendment
A. You do not have to give evidence against yourself
B. You have rights not listed in the Constitution
C. The President cannot serve more than two terms
D. Congress cannot receive a pay raise until they have been reelected

75. The Twenty-Third Amendment
A. Says what to do if the President dies or resigns
B. The voting age is 18
C. People in Washington, D.C. may vote for president
D. Poll taxes are illegal

76. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment
A. Police need a warrant to search your things
B. Poll taxes are illegal
C. The voting age is 18
D. Freedom of speech

77. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment
A. Right to bear arms
B. Police need a warrant to search your belongings
C. Protects from cruel & unusual punishment
D. Says what to do if the President dies or resigns

78. The Twenty-Sixth Amendment
A. The voting age is 18
B. Was a result of the Vietnam War
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

79. The Twenty-Seventh Amendment
A. Congress cannot receive a pay raise until they are reelected
B. You cannot be forced to give evidence against yourself
C. Foreigners cannot sue specific states
D. Senators are elected directly by the people, not appointed

Good luck!!

Two finals done, 1 to go!! W00t!!

1 comment, batman, lhs, ragnar

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