Writing Meme

Aug 21, 2013 02:58

Here's a fun meme I found from gamma_x_orionis, who took it from ginger_veela. Let's get started, shall we?

1. Shortest fic you've ever written. Most of the time, my fics are above 500 words, unless it's supposed to be a drabble. The shortest drabble I've written that wasn't part of a collection is Lies, which is a Blaise/Ginny fic that I wrote purely because I needed to write Blaise for a challenge and I thought it would be funny to try my hand at that odd pairing. (There might be a shorter drabble that's part of a collection, but I'm too lazy to go looking for it atm.)
2. Longest fic you've ever written. In terms of multi-chapters, that would be Beach Madness, surprisingly, at 45,802 words. For Harry Potter, my longest multi-chapter is Wands Out, which is actually not a multi-chapter but rather a collection of unrelated one-shots. (I haven't ever written an actual multi-chapter for HP - I will, one day.) In terms of one-shots, the longest one is Love Happens, a modern!AU Romione at 4,872 words.
3. Your best fic. It's hard to choose a best fic...I mean, a lot of the time I publish something that doesn't satisfy me, but once in a while, I write something I think is perfect, until I write something I deem better. It's a never-ending cycle. But, really, when I look at my growing list of fics, I would choose Heart Attack. I know I recently posted about it, but when I compare it to things I wrote six months back, it really shows my growth as a writer. Also, I genuinely had a spark while writing it. Sometimes, I'm writing just to meet a deadline, and while it's fun, it's nothing like when you're writing something and actually loving it.
4. Your worst fic. Oh, I have a few choices for this one. But my final decision is Choices, a breakup!Romione that I was forced to write for a competition. One, I am horrible at writing break-up fics, even if it's not my OTP. Second, this was my OTP, which made it even harder. I actually wrote a fic called Gamble first, which was quite similar to Choices, and got multiple flames on it. (Which of course didn't make sense. I broke apart Ron and left it open-ended with him meeting Lavender, and a bunch of people jumped me for labeling it as Ron/Hermione. Well I'm sorry but I have to label the main characters, not who they end up with.) I don't usually get flames, so it really hurt me, and I took the fic down for multiple reasons. To satisfy the challenge requirements again, I re-wrote Gamble as Choices, which fared a little better but still got one mean review. However, even if it weren't for the mean reviews, I still don't like this fic because of how poorly it's written and how it doesn't make sense and how they're OOC and everything is wrong.
5. Your most underrated fic. Best Friends, a Lily/Andromeda fic I wrote for Ash's Quidditch Competition - Paula made me. :3 It is a weird pairing, so I knew it wouldn't get many reviews, but I still liked the way it turned out overall, and wish that it got a little more attention than it did.
6. Your most popular fic. This one was easy. Top Ten, my FT multi-chapter, has seven chapters and 207 reviews. (Of course, I haven't updated it for over 4 months, but that's another story.) Even when I was writing Beach Madness, my first ever fan-fic (Seriously, don't read it, it's a disaster.)I was told that I was quite funny writing multiple characters at once, which must be true after seeing how TT has done.
7. Your favorite fic. I was actually tempted to say Heart Attack once again, but I decided against it and in favor for Nothing. Nothing is a Seamus/Lavender post!war fic covering how Lavender falls into a depression over how she's lost everything after the attack. It was my first time writing in second-person, and I really liked how I devloped Lavender's angst and came into the climax. I also really like how I ended it, and most of the time I don't like my endings.
8. Your fic that makes people laugh. Well, Top Ten is apparently hilarious, which is good, because I have lots of fun writing it. :)
9. Your fic that makes people cry. The story that has gotten the most reviews telling me I made them cry is Monochrome. Monochrome is a Jilly hospital!AU that I do think of as on of my better fics.
10. Pairing you've written the most. Easy! That would be Romione, my OTP, thanks to Gamma and her boot-camp. :3 I've written 26 Romione fics in total so far - that includes all one-shots and drabbles, including any in a collection.
11. Pairing you've written the least (but at least once). That's a lot. I have many pairings that I write once for a challenge, and don't return to. Those include, but are not limited to, Arthur/Molly, Blaise/Ginny, James/Lily, Hermione/Remus, Lucy/Lorcan, Roxanne/MollyII, Remus/Tonks, Lily/Narcissa, Sirius/Remus, Luna/Neville, Rowena/Godric, Lavender/Seamus, Regulus/Lily, Percy/Audrey, Draco/Daphne, and Lily/Andromeda. Now that I've gone and listed those, I feel like there's something wrong with me. Like, how have I not written Arthur/Molly and Jilly more than once? AND WOLFSTAR. WHAT AM I DOING. *tears hair out*
12. Fic that was most OOC for you as a writer. This was an odd question. I decided on Greed, a short drabble monlogue written from Percy's POV. It's pre-fall-of-Ministry, so it's pretty much all about how he hates his family for never loving him. It's written in first-person, which I never do anymore, it's under 500 words, which I usually don't do unless I'm supposed to or something really won't go longer than that, its Percy, who is not one of my favorite characters, and it was just really weird-sounding and choppy. It's not my best work.
13. Fic that best encapsulates you as a writer. This was also hard. I eventually chose Finding The Right Words, my Rowena/Godric one-shot, because, now that I look back on it, I really characterized Rowena a lot like me. She's smart and quiet and can't say what she feels, and underestimates herself and Godric. I would have acted a lot like Rowena did, if I was in her situation - which, actually, I'm in a lot of the time, except that I don't get the happy ending with a hot red-head kissing me.
14. Fic you wish could have been better. Stay With Me, a Neville/Hannah AU where Hannah dies in child-birth and he's left to raise his daughter, Alice, alone. I had this huge plan about how it would angstily play out with her dying and his world falling apart and Alice being so similar to Hannah that she breaks his heart but instead I got impatient with it and did a half-baked job. It disappoints me a lot. It had potential, but I rushed it and now the angst isn't complete and I don't like it and ugh.
15. Your hottest fic. *squirms* I haven't written smut. I guess I'll just have to say Rapunzels then, because it's my only M-rated fic up to now and it does imply sex, but doesn't describe it, like, at all...
16. Your tamest fic. All of them? No, most of my fics are actually T. Frozen is my tamest fic, as one of my few K fics and also becaust it literally has nothing that could even remotely be mature. It's a short humorous ficlet on the twins making a new product.
17. Your kinkiest fic. Same as 15...though maybe I could say Anything For You, my only Bellamort, a drabble about her "working" to please her master...but really, it's only detailed snogging. I'm not even sure if there's really a kink in there.
18. Funniest line from one of your fics. I basically went to TT and picked out the few sentences that I thought were funny, but in all honesty, I don't find what I've written as funny as others do.

"Even though it had only been a few hours since the list had been posted, Wendy was sure that she was in love with Romeo. In the true spirit of immaturity, twelve year old Wendy couldn't help but let her imagination get the better of herself.

She knew in her heart that it was meant to be-that fate had destined for her to join Fairy Tail just to meet the true love of her life, Romeo. He was her Prince Charming, and she was the princess locked up in the tower, waiting to be saved from the horrible dragon...

(Technically Wendy would actually be the dragon due to her Slayer abilities, but she decided to ignore that fact.)

And his name was Romeo; a bonus! She could be his Juliet! (That was really cheesy, but Wendy didn't care about that either.)"-Chapter 2, The Effects, Top Ten, by Empress Empoleon.
19. Most poignant line from one of your fics. This. I really liked this, from Heart Attack.

"Her world is crumbling down, one pillar at a time. It's all crashing down on her, and the weight of the sky is too much for a fifteen year old to hold."-Heart Attack, by Empress Empoleon.

20. Favorite line from one of your fics. I have quite a few favorites, but I eventually picked this, from Glass Lovers.

"They are glass lovers - they were pretty and perfect while it lasted but one day it cracked and chipped and everything fell apart."-Glass Lovers, by Empress Empoleon.

21. Fic for which you'd like to be remembered. Top Ten. I want to be revered in the FT fandom like them and her. In terms of HP, since I don't have a multi-chapter, I would like to be remembered for any of my next-gen femmeslash fics, specifically Firework and (you guessed it) Heart Attack. I also wouldn't mind being remembered for my Romione fics, specifically Make A Wish, but I doubt that will happen because there are far better Romione writers that I know. *coughAshleighcough*
22. Easiest fic to write. I can't say any fic was particularly easy to write, but looking at all of them, I'd say My Girlfriend's Younger Sister (which I literally just published) a Teddy/Dominique that surprisingly flowed. It just came naturally, which is odd considering it's breaking apart one of my favorite pairings. Teddy/Victoire.
23. Hardest fic to write. There's a lot I could say for this one, but I choose Forever And Always. It's a Romione, and usually I have no trouble with those but this one just wouldn't work. Like, I knew exactly what I wanted to write, but it wasn't coming and I really don't like how I wrote it. It was frustrating, to say the least.
24. Paraphrase (or quote) the best review you ever received. Anna gave me this really sweet review on Heart Attack that I love her for. :3

I'm sorry for taking so long to review this. After reading, I had to take a few minutes and calm down.

My thoughts about this: whoooaaa.

I'm going to try and give you a long, informative review, instead of the crap I usually throw in the review box. :D

i. the descriptions.

I've never actually bore witness to your amazing ability to describe things! Honestly, if you think I'll ever leave you alone after /this/.. I'll be stalking you forever, if only to read more flawless writing like this. :D

Everything was described brilliantly and painted a vivid picture in my mind, but I particularly admire these bits: [a grin spilling onto her face], [The hill is a field of pearls], [her eyes are a pair of knives].



When they tell me to go to English, I will tell them anything I need to learn about writing, I can learn from you.

ii. the feelings.

Throughout the entire fic, I was immersed. I was feeling everything Roxanne was feeling; the heartbreak, the happiness, the love, the brokenness. It actually reminded me of chocolate cherries - WHY MUST ROXANNE ALWAYS DIE HEARTBROKEN? *cries*

Also, the ending was perfect. Perfect way to have her die. (I feel morbid saying that, but it's true.)

I also loved the slight AngelinaFred, because I ship them with a vengeance. George should've ended up with Verity; Angelina should've died alone, hollow, because her only true love was gone.

(Okay that was awful to say. I take it back - only because if that did happen, Roxanne wouldn't exist, and this gorgeous fic wouldn't exist.)

iii. the characters.

I mentioned this, but Roxanne was really.. in me. You know? I felt everything she went through, and that's partly because of your amazing characterization.

Roxanne was the perfect Roxanne; fiery but kind, outgoing but shy. And Dominique was just perfect - she did love Roxy, but it wasn't the type of soul-crushing, world-ending, heart-breaking love that Roxy felt for her. When they got caught, she didn't keep on loving Roxanne forever. She moved on, became the best that she could be. And that is the reality of cousincest. And it's the most brilliant plot twist ever; most people write it like they both keep on loving forever and ever - but that's not real, and I applaud you for keeping it real. )

Lysander was a jerk, but he was also real. They were bound to get caught, and really, any boy his age would probably do the same thing (except selfless boys, but there aren't many other those left, unfortunately). McGonagall was also wonderful: firm but understanding.

The whole fic just makes me want to write cousincest. :P (Do you like AlbusLucy/JamesLucy?)

My favorite line: [It's all crashing down on her, and the weight of the sky is too much for a fifteen year old to hold.] That was gorgeousness. :3

Alright.. that's all. And just so you know, I loved this and I'm favoriting. &hearts

P.S. - Thank you, but Eternal is nothing compared to this. )

25. Paraphrase (or quote) the worst review you ever received. This review was given by a certain someone (who I have now blocked) on my story Choices.

This story is SO OUT OF CHARACTER it is ridiculous.

There is no way that Hermione would become a workaholic and neglect either Ron or her family or have Ron up and leave without an argument/fight you didn't even have Hermione show any emotion when Ron left other than dismissive.

The ending is rather silly - if this is supposed to be a Ron/Hermione fic then why have you put Ron getting together with Lavender and Hermione forging a relationship/friendship wth Padma of all people. Besides Hermione shared a room with Lavender and Parvati so she would know Padma. And Ron would know Lavender since he went out with her/Griffyndoor as well.

This is not a true Ron/Hermione fic as Ron/Hermione don't end up together - so please put it in another section.
26. Fic that hits closest to home. See number 13.
27. Fic that's furthest from your personal experience. Bravery, a Ginny!centric fic set during DH. It's basically about her trying to fight back while under the Carrows. It's not one of my favorites, and I'm really not a rebel so this is pretty much the opposite of what I would do had I been in her situation. (I'd quietly fight - not in the front lines. :P)
28. Fic you've always wanted to write, but haven't (yet). I really am not prone to plot bunnies. Usually, my bunnies are born after a challenge/competition is created. They inspire me. :P That being said, I have always wanted to write a LorcanLysander!centric multi-chapter, but that's definitely taking a back-seat for now.
29. Fic you've permanently abandoned. Unforgettable. It was for someone I used to know who seems to have left FFN and now I have zero inspiration for it. I'm thinking of deleting it. At least for BM I have some inspiration, and plans to rewrite it, but this one...nada.
30. Fic you're currently working on. As I'm doing this meme, I have a half-written Percy/Kinglsey one-shot open. :P
31. Favorite canon character from one of your fics and why. I especially like Ron from Make A Wish. Ron is one of my favorite characters, which isn't hard to believe knowing my OTP, and he's just so relateable and fun to write. Hermione gives me problems occasionally, but Ron always flows. He's just sweet and tempremental and very easy to write, and I love him for it. In that fic especially, I liked the way I wrote him, seeing as it was really from his POV.
32. Favorite original character from one of your fics and why. OCs are not my favorite things in a fic, so I don't actually have an OC fics, save for a random name I might throw into a next-gen fic.
33. Most popular character you've written and why. Ron. People usualy tell me I've gotten Ron's character perfect (Yay!) so I presume that's probably what people like best in my writing.
34. Number one source of inspiration for your fics (e.g., songs, people, RL events) Like I said in number 28, I'm not the type of person to randomly get inspired or attacked by plot bunnies. Challenges and comps are what inspire me the most, and I'm hoping to join some LJ fests (any suggestions?) in the future. Other than that, Taylor Swift is a great inspiration to me, as well as pretty much everyone on HPFC. They're all beautiful people, and writers.
35. Describe your muse, if you have one: name, gender, personality, etc. I've never tried to make my muse human before. Also, I don't really have a muse, persay - it's rather my conscience telling me to write a fic for a deadline and then me trying to procrastinate. :P But, if I made her human, she'd probably by bossy, irritating, artsy, moody, and somewhat mental.
36. Fic that just won't die (i.e., you reread it/think of it frequently, or you keep writing chapters/prequels/sequels) Beach Madness. While I don't visit it at all, I've always planned to re-write it, unlike Unforgettable, and I actually do have three sequels planned. :P
37. Completed fic you never want to revisit (not necessarily your worst fic!) After a bit of thinking, I decided on Crooked. After a lot of editing and re-writing it, I just don't want to look at it anymore. I do have a sequel planned though, after some people asked, so I guess I'll have to go back to it. *sigh*
38. What your worst critics would say about your writing. That I have the characters completely OOC, the plot doesn't make sense, it's not realistic, I didn't use correct British terminology, the character/romance development didn't happen well...pretty much everything. :P
39. What your biggest fans would say about your writing. That they think it's absolutely perfect?
40. What you'd most like to improve about your writing. I'd really like to write deeper and more metaphorical things. Also, longer fics. :3 I eventually want to try my hand at original fiction, to making my writing more mature would be great.
41. What you like best about your writing. Other than my SPaG, which I feel doesn't really count as an answer, I like my characterization. Since I primairly write canon characters that we already know well, I take pride in how I write them as close to JKR as possible. :) And I also like how I expand on characters we don't know as well, especially in post!war fics.
42. What writing means to you in 25 words or less. Letting my feelings out in a way that sounds pretty and makes other people happy.

harry potter, empress empoleon, writing, meme, pokemon, fairy tail, fics, one-shot, multi-chapters, fanfiction

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