fic: heart is overrated (the good wife, diane & peter)

Dec 28, 2011 09:04

Title: heart is overrated
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: The Good Wife, Diane & Peter
Word Count: 471
Requested By: sweetjamielee

The first time Diane spots Peter in the back of one of her courtrooms, she doesn't think anything of it. After all, he is the State's Attorney and he's always been the kind that likes to check in on his ASA's.

Diane rises from her chair to cross-examine a witness. When she sits back down, Peter is no longer there.


Diane sees Peter more often after that, or maybe it's just that she's looking for him now. But it seems like he's almost alwyas there, a ghost in the courtroom, and she's almost certain she knows why. Contrary to wahat either Will or Alicia appear to think of her, Diane is not stupid nor is she unobservent, and it wouldn't take Kalinda's investigative skills to tell that they're sleeping together.

She wonders if Peter knows too. She hopes dearly that he doesn't. She is almost certain that he does.

The regret on Peter's face is palpable every time he looks at his wife, and Diane prays that this will not ruin them all.

She thinks it may already be too late.


There's a bar association meeting and after, Diane finds Peter sitting alone at the hotel bar. She hesitates before approaching him, certain that it's wildly inappropriate, certain that there are things that need to be said. She opts for action.

Diane pushes her way through the crowd of networking lawyers until she reaches Peter's table. He looks up, surprised. She smiles, all benevolence.

"Peter," she says. "Do you have a minute?"

"Of course," he answers, and if there's any sign that he doesn't mean it, Diane can't find it. He gestures toward the empty chair opposite him. "What can I do for you, Diane?"

In for a penny, she thinks as she sits, taking her time smoothing out the wrinkles in her skirt. When she looks up, it's to look him directly in the eyes. "Are you planning to ruin my firm?"

"Yes," he says, his gaze unwavering. "Wouldn't you?"

It takes her less time than she'd like to admit to herself to answer. She nods, slowly. "I suppose I would."

Silence falls between them as they stare across the table at each other. The noise from the bar fills in the empty spaces, but it's still uncomfortably quiet. Diane can't take it any longer and she stands.

"Well," she says, holding out her hand for him to shake. He takes it in his, his palm dry against hers. "I suppose we know where we stand."

"Good night, Diane," Peter says.

She doesn't bother to answer, and leaves the way she came in. She's never understood Peter better. She's never been more afraid of what he's capable of.

This is what love does, she thinks, as she shivers in the cold Chicago night. She's suddenly very grateful to be alone.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, tv: the good wife, fic by me

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