it's the most wonderful time of the year

Nov 13, 2010 08:15

Dear Yuletide Author:

First, thank you for my story! I am one hundred percent sure I will love whatever you end up writing me, because I love all of these fandoms and characters and just want to read fic about them. I can't wait to read what you're going to come up with.

In general, I prefer fic that is het or gen and my shipping preferences tend to skew close to canon. I love back story and future fic. I like angst and happy endings, but I also like sad endings, as long as the ending makes sense. I guess it's easiest to say that I like earned endings. I like smut just fine, but I don't need it in my fic. I just want fic that celebrates the characters that I love.

I don't really like slash.

I hope that's helpful. But let's talk about my specific requests, shall we?

Request #1
Fandom: Mighty Ducks (movie)
Characters: Adam Banks, Charlie Conway
Request: Gen fic, please. I love these characters, but I don't want them slashed at all. I'd really love future fic -- does Charlie become a coach, does Adam end up in the NHL, etc, but really whatever you want to write me about them would be fine.

Like my request says, I'm really not going to be picky about this. The Mighty Ducks is one of my favorite movies and I blame it for my lifelong Joshua Jackson love, but that's neither here nor there. But please, if at all possible, do not write me slash. If you want to write them with any of the girls in the movies or original female characters, that's fine. I just want to know about these boys and their lives and their friendship as they grow up and move into adulthood.

Request #2
Fandom: Mad Men
Characters: Sally Draper, Betty Draper Francis, Peggy Olson, Ken Cosgrove
Request: I realize this is an extremely strange assortment of characters. I'm sorry about that. If it helps, I don't want a story where they're necessarily all connected, I just want to know where they're all going to be ten or so years into the future. If Sally's a teenage runway or Peggy and Ken have hooked up all the better, but I'm willing to leave that to whatever works for you.

I really am sorry about the random character list. I was just going to ask for Sally Draper fic, because Sally is fascinating and I can't wait to see what she's going to be like in ten years, but then the finale happened and this happened:

and well, my brain kind of exploded because I've shipped them forever and that's probably the closest I'm ever going to get to it. Which is where you come in. I don't need their future to be one where Ken Cosgrove, Accounts, has left Alex Mack for Peggy, although I'd love that. I mean, I'd be fine with a clandestine affair or even just a continued partnership of awesome where Ken's wife is always a little jealous of all the time Peggy spends with her husband. Whatever works for you as you try to make this work.

I really am sorry.

Request #3
Fandom: The Good Wife
Characters: Peter Florrick, Alicia Florrick, Will Gardner
Request: What I want is fic exploring the history between these three characters, particularly Will and Alicia's shared past at Georgetown Law. What does it mean when Will says they've always had bad timing and how exactly does Peter fit into that?

The show keeps teasing us with Will and Alicia's past at Georgetown and I just want something, anything, to explain what that past entails. Just how bad was their timing? Did Alicia know that he loved her back then? Where does Peter fit into it all? Etc. If backstory isn't something that works for you, I will totally take fic with the three of them in the present as they navigate their incredibly tangled web of relationships.

Request #4
Fandom: The Vampire Diairies
Characters: Bonnie Bennett, Jeremy Gilbert
Request: The sudden flirtation between Bonnie and Jeremy is my favorite part of the show right now and I just want fic about that as they transition from what they are now to more.

If you asked me to explain the sudden outburst of feelings that I have about these two, I'd tell you to look no further than the moment in "Masquerade" where Jeremy says, "I'm not a kid anymore, Bonnie," and my jaw dropped to the floor. There was suddenly all of this heat and Jeremy was inexplicably attractive and yeah. That's kind of what I picture Bonnie's initial reaction to all of this to be too, sort of "where did this all come from?" Maybe Jeremy's always kind of had a crush on his sister's best friend, maybe it's as out of the blue for him as it has to be for Bonnie, I don't know. If you want to include other characters, I'd also love a comedy of errors type of double date between Bonnie/Jeremy and Tyler/Caroline, because I think it would be comedy gold. But seriously, anything you want to write between these two, I will be completely okay with.

And that's that! I hope that helped and didn't make things more confusing for you. If it did, I'm terribly sorry. I promise, though, if you love these characters half as much as I do, I'm going to love what you've written.

I can't wait for December 25th. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER.




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