Mar 01, 2013 12:49
Updates. Dad is in the hospital again (he just got out Sunday). Stressing about this since they thought they had figured it out.
This semester is going markedly better; I like my coding/database classes (my advisor is the prof, and he rocks). Micro and Linux are... meh, but still way better than stats. I actually taught my lab partners a few things about hardware yesterday so that was cool.
Ebay is ebay; it's *almost* paying the bills (I am weak when it comes to Amazon purchases...) but I'm glad I'm getting a real education that hopefully I can use. It's still better than working somewhere lame while going to school, since I can do it whenever. Just wish sales were working better. They WOULD be if other giant sellers didn't race to the bottom on prices, grr.
I have to do our taxes. And a bunch of other stuff. I'd rather play Halo 4.
Some other stuff stressing me too but... nothing I want to talk about. Maybe things will improve this summer.
ALSO! I apparently have the soul of an event coordinator. My guild is going to GenCon! So that's cool, and unexpected. Hopefully it all falls into place.
Last thing, Sage still gets sick but it's not as bad as it was, basically just trying to manage it as best as I can. Can't afford any more vet bills really so... hopefully it's something he can live with and not be too uncomfortable. He certainly is a little lap-clinger these days, but it's not too annoying most of the time.
That's it.