Ultimate Purity Score Is... CategoryYour Score Average Self-Lovin'81.7%
Never taken out of the packaging 61.6%Shamelessness40.5%
Puts 'em on the glass 76.9% Sex Drive 55.3%
A fool for love, but not always75.1%Straightness10.7%
Knows the other body type like a map 40.5% Gayness 55.4%
Had that experience at camp 79.6%
Fucking Sick71.7%
Dipped into depravity 88%
You are 52.94% pure
Average Score: 69.6%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test
and see how you match up! I'm just chillin' down at My Huney's house, gettin ready to watch a few movies...I put myself on a diet today, I want to lose about 15lbs so I don't end up looking like a walking doughnut hole...I just want my size fours to fit comfortably again, maybe even go down to a size two, nothing, I had a near scare with some of my family's lovely genetic disorders (thyroid disease, diabetes...all the fun autoimmune diseases) so I want to prevent that too...wish me luck, and when you're around me, DON'T LET ME PIG OUT!!!