Jul 23, 2006 23:17

I sat down tonight to make a sig banner from KLG opera house for a friend. I decided to rewatch the ending just for old time's sake, and I found something VERY suspicious Gaeta does in The Scene.

I know what you're saying "That handshake/look between Gaeta and Boomer in KLG was nothing, just friendly 'Yeah, you kicked the Cylon's butt!' and not, 'OK, time to shoot Adama.'" I've agreed with that--I've filed it under odd, and moved on.

But when I watched the scene where Adama is shot, my jaw dropped as I watched the background. I couldn't believe it, so I played it again, slower, and took caps.

I won't put ideas in your heads just head: here's the caps of the scene.

The last cap, for me, seals the deal: Gaeta is smiling as he watches Lee and Tigh gallantly try and help Adama.

At this point, I still thought I was going crazy. So I sent the caps to a non-BSG watcher friend of mine, and didn't pollute her mind with preconceived ideas, either. Here's the conversation (edited out the AIM handles for courtesy).

Me [11:05 PM]: look at the man in the background--the black-haired guy
Me [11:06 PM]: once this slow beast finishes
Me [11:06 PM]: (it'll help too look at them in order)
her [11:07 PM]: O_o
Me [11:08 PM]: what does it look like he's doing/thinking?
Me [11:08 PM]: his facial expressions?
her [11:08 PM]: It looks like he's pleased
Me [11:08 PM]: I KNEW IT
her [11:08 PM]: is he using a comm?
Me [11:08 PM]: I thought I was imaging it!!!!
Me [11:08 PM]: A telephone yeah
her [11:08 PM]: hrm.
Me [11:08 PM]: His commander was just SHOT.
her [11:08 PM]: he looks fairly amused
Me [11:08 PM]: Yeah, that's exactly what I thought
Me [11:08 PM]: RDM's (edit: or whomever was in charge of directing/editing this ep) a genius.
Me [11:09 PM]: He focuses the camera on screaming Lee.
her [11:09 PM]: hrm.

Thoughts? Comments? Rotten tomatoes? All are welcome...
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