~~ Auditioned/Auditioning for ~~
Hane's SMLOTGC: Venus, Mercury, Tin Nyanko and Metal Papillion (I got a part, see below!)
S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S sm stars: Minako/Sailor Venus and Chibi Chibi (Not Casted)
Zakuro's Radioplay; Blackened Desire: Ai Haruna (Auditioning for)
Lenkia's Myu; SailorTeam: Luna (Auditioning for)
AAR Radio DJ: Myself (Auditioned)
Hikari Radio Advert: Myself (Auditioned)
~~ Other ~~
Gekidan owned by Taka; Black Lady: Aquatici and Veneti (Completed)
sora e kaerimasu!: Sailor Saturn (Group Closed)
Hime no Koibito: Sailor Moon, Sailor Pluto *singing voice*, Chibi Chibi, Moshiko Koneko *singing voice*, Iron Mouse, Nehelenia (Still going on)
Hane's SMLOTGC: Heavy Metal Papillion (Complete)
chikyuu no senshi: Otani Miyu / Nakamura Yuki (Sailor Venus), Nishijia Kurumi (Palla Palla) (Group Closed)
Myu Crazy: Venus, Chibi-Usa, Diana (Hiatus?)
more info about my vaa work at
http://uk.geocities.com/peguinuk2000/ <- is thinking about taking part in a full moon fandub and a pgsm fandub, so wish me luck n.n.
Note: the links below this line are just for practise, excluding hime no koibito which has been a e-myu for a while, but not writing in VAA forum form lol.
http://s15.invisionfree.com/anigam/index.php?showtopic=64 <- sailor moon radioplay
http://s15.invisionfree.com/anigam/index.php?showtopic=65 <- Sabriel by Garth Nix reading
http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/hime_no_koibito/?yguid=166079712 <- Hime no Koibito, currently on hiatus
^^ I am going to also put the ones on the anigam forum to one of my own forum.
- donna