(I'm the Barnard/SEAS liason) and I totally made a blow job reference at the meeting on Monday. The policy in question is Flash Access, which would allow all 4 undergrad schools access to each other's dorm buldings (SEAS, CC, and GS will be able to sign themselves into Barnard dorms, Barnard and GS will be able to sign themselves into Columbia dorms. CC and SEAS are not giving their support, and the SEAS council rejected it, in it's current form, due to "security issues," although it is well established that the council doesn't care about the proposal. So, at the Barnard SGA meeting, the topic of how to get the other councils' asses in gear with the proposal was discussed. To paraphrase/summarize:
Girl A: "I think we need to be more gentle give them time to get used to the idea, and ultimately, we have to either sacrifice our dignity or sacrifice this proposal. We'll just have to suck up to them, sweetalk them into it..."
Teresa: "How does sacrificing our dignity help us with anything?? Sucking up isn't going to help anything, unless we're literally sucking up, I think we should...[and I continue with suggestions and some constructive ideas, such as polling the students of CC and SEAS to see how they feel about Flash Access, get a petition, raise campus awareness, etc]"
Anyway, carry on!