im really not enjoying life in East Lansing right now. So far my summer has begun alone with me being sick and depressed living in a pretty apartment (besides the disgusting garbage bags my roommates must think walk out to the bins themselves and the cigarette ashes on the tables even though our apartment has no smoking policy which they obviously dont think applies to them) with three strangers who don't care to get to know me.
My first day of JRN 200 started off swell too with the instructor telling us the class was bootcamp and that shes our drill sargeant. She also let us know that we will probably hate her by the end of the summer. I have this class for 3 hours every mwf until the end of July. She already has me questioning my major and I feel incompetent in the class thus far.
I'm also trying super hard to find a third job seeing how Breslin barely has any events going on in the summer and i hate that job and the website job is so boring so I could probably only work 10 hours tops a week which isnt enough to pay for my 400 a month rent plus utilities and my other basic needs that need to be paid for. I really need to cut up my credit card but I find that difficult to do seeing how I have no money. I truly am a broke college student.
For some reason I can't transition from on campus life to off campus life which is weird because I had no problem leaving "home" to be on my own, where I knew like 2 people out 40somethingthousand. I miss my roommates and friends. I'm almost happy I get to waste some more gas to drive to Detroit for FFA and see the state officer team. Almost as happy as I'm going to be when Courtney visits me on Thursday. Friday night I think I'm going to Chicago to visit Kay for the weekend.
until then ill hang out in my underwear in my room alone and watch the five arrested development dvds i rented for the THIRD time.