We are forever joined in the eternal bonds of surveydom.

Sep 19, 2007 19:00

Whats your middle name?: Katherine

How big is your bed?: Full

What are you listening to right now?: The show Friends. Love it

WWhat are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?: 5367

What was the last thing you ate?: a quaker granola bar. gross. i think i'm done with them.

Last person you hugged?: Mark

How is the weather right now?: mid 80s. humid. nice, though.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: adam

What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?: how they dress

Favorite type of food?: italian

Do you want children?: not really

Do you drink?: yeah

Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?: i try to avoid that, but it has happened.

Hair color?: brown

Eye color?: hazel

Do you wear contacts/glasses?: i wear reading glasses when i read

Favorite holiday?: halloween. still.

Favorite season?: fall. yay!

Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?: sure

Last Movie you Watched?: the crucible

What books are you reading?: textbooks

Piercings?: ear lobes, industrial, 2 conches, helix (<--all ear piercings), and a nipple

Favorite movie?: there's too many to pick just one

Favorite college football team?: n/a

What were you doing before filling this out?: feeding lulu, finding something to watch on tv

Any pets?: yes. 2 dogs and a kitty

Dogs or cats?: both

Favorite flower?: orchids

Have you ever loved someone?: yeah

Would you like to see someone right now?: huh?

Have you ever fired a gun?: yeah

Do you like to travel by plane?: not really. it freaks me out

Right handed or left handed: right

If you could go to any place right now where would you go?: germany

Are you missing someone?: yeah

Do you have a tattoo?: yeah

Do you still watch cartoons on saturday mornings: no

are you 18?: 21

What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?: black

Did you get enough sleep last night?: yeah

First thing you thought about this morning: why am i up at 9am?

What do you have handy at your bedside?: bottle o h2o, alarm, lamp, candle, remotes, birth control

Grilled or fried?: mmmm fried

What makes you unique?: nothing

Are you afraid of the dark?: yeah

Favorite hangout?: home

3 things you cant live without: mark, pillows, socks

Favorite song: all my life by the beatles

What are you afraid of?: lotsa stuff

Are you a taker or a giver?: both

What are your nicknames?: psycho, psychie, ash

What is your dads middle name?:

What is your moms middle name?:

Stuck on a deserted island & could take one thing: mark (with a solar powered grill attached to him)

Favorite tv commercial: the slowskys (the turtles promoting dsl because it's slow)

Whos your cellphone provider?: Verizon

First thing youll save in a fire?: my cat

Whats your favorite coloR?: lavender

What are the things you always take with you?: wallet, keys, cell phone

What did you wanna be when you were a kid?: a veterinarian

What do you usually do when the clokc turns 11:11?: i usually make a wish that mark and i will stay together forever. i don't actually believe 11:11 makes wishes come true, but ashley and i used to always wish at 11:11

the color of your bedsheets?: black, gray, and white

What do you think about before you go to bed?: tomorrow
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