This is good...this is real good.
So tonight was my 9th straight day working at the Coop so that I could have a glorious weekend off (in a row!). Even Patricia (pastrie chef who I help out with on the side) is on vacation this week so TOTALLY FREE WEEKEND. And by free i mean friends in internships in cities far away return ! Liz, Molls, Erin, Lizzie Oh my! I was so chipper throughout work tonight (mark and simon didn't know what had come over me). i went out with molls and ariel and lizzie and it was so nice to have MY friends there. Sure, I go out sometimes with Chris or people from work, but having my other brattleboro friends there was lovely.
Tomorrow we're going to get lunch at the farmer's market (yay thai food!) then we're going to do a photo shoot for
bonna bag, the company that my friend Ariel has started selling her gorgeouly hand painted bags. Then I will (possibly) meet the family for whom friend liz (who was in paris) babysat for and form some future job connections for Paris (yay!) then a BASTILLE DAY PARTY! Yay France! didn't so shit for the fourth of july...shows where my loyalty (or free time) lies...
Anywho, life is good. I have a social life. And I'm getting the urge to piant (this is a good sign!)