Hi! This Yuzaki(
hizaki92), the founder of
empiresubs and the Vice President of JUMP Empire Gakuen(
FaceBook). In behalf of all of the moderators of this community, i would like to extend our biggest and warmest welcome to everyone out there!
To the main point. As stated above, this is the RULES post, and like normal communities out there, you have to read it and understand it. =D
Members that are caught breaking the rules will be removed from the community and they'll have to wait for a few weeks to be a member again. I don't like deleting members in any of my communities, but unluckily, I'm not a very tolerant person. Once a person breaks the rules, that's it.
The rules are not as much as you might think, they are just these few :
1. READ and UNDERSTAND the rules before clicking the join button.
MEMBERSHIP REQUEST stating that you understand the rules and you solemnly swear that you will follow the rules.
* members that are are approved but haven't introduce themselves, will have 24HOURS to do so. failure to comply will result in expulsion from the community. you will have to re-apply to re-join *
3. NO ONLINE STREAMING or REDISTRIBUTION of the subs we created.
4. Download for PERSONAL USE only!
5. Do NOT pm the moderators for unimportant things.
6. Do NOT BASH or INSULT any members from Johnny's if there are any news or rumors about them.
* you may give an opinion, but please use consideration in your comments *
7. SHOW your gratitude by leaving a simple THANK YOU on the video post you downloaded from.
8. Have an ACTIVE LiveJournal account!
* we do NOT accept other accounts such as Facebook, MySpace or others! ONLY LIVEJOURNAL! *
9. Want to be one of our affiliates? Comment here on this post and we'll gladly add you up as our affiliates! =D
10. Any questions? Leave a comment at the
SUGGESTION POST and we'll get back to you a.s.a.p!
NOTE! : The ones that are allowed to comment on this post are the ones that has to do with #9 ONLY!
Others that wants to be our member, please proceed to the membership post as stated in rule #2!
Final words from me :
- The rules were made not because we want to make our members suffer, it's to make sure that what we do is not being misused by anyone.
- Please don't make the rules as an excuse for not joining our community.
- We moderators are very friendly to people that are friendly to us! =D
WEL COME TO EmpireSu bs